? ??????????????Don't Look Back? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (2 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2423 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Shhh... Listen? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (3 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2565 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Co BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?


Magic Bullet.. sound like it doesn't belong in your kitchen!

Two in a row, could this be?

Yes, second day in a row! Like I've said before; I spoil you guys. So I decided that I should start writing more these days for two reasons..

One: I would like to tell you all about how productive I've been lately in going to the gym and such. And I think that if I brag about getting up before work to go work out, if I stop, I'll have to tell you all too and then I'll feel like a failure! Therefor, you will all keep me motivated!

Two: Well Blair, I know your reading this because you will have nothing better to do while your gonezo so I will take the liberty of keeping you occupado for a few minutes whenever I can :)

So, back to one. Yes, I STILL have been getting up before work to go to the gym! Well, when I don't have hockey to midnight or have anything else keeping up that late. But if I don't go before work I try to take it out on myself the next time I go. I think it's a decent system! Speaking of systems, I have also started tanning again. For those of you who go thru this every year with me, I know, it's useless for me. But I say it every year - I'm determined to make this year different! I WILL NOT be the ghost at the lake this year! ....Well, *as much* of a ghost anyways, I realize there is no hope for me.

And now, back to two. Blaiiiir had to go and leave me all alone because apparently making money is more important that spending time with his amazing girlfriend. Nah, just jokes. I'm pretty understanding. Or, I like to think so anyways.. I mean I know of some people who wouldn't even dream of not seeing their boyfriend for even 2 days. GOD FORBID 10!

Well Friday, we meet again.

Friday started like a Friday would start. With an exception.. them mofo's at Rogers suspended my account because I haven't paid my bill for a while (woops). Soo I tried to check my voicemail and they redirected me. Then I paid and had to call them to get it turned back on. But the lady was really nice so it was all okay in the end. So then I got to work and went down to get a yogurt and chai latte for breakfast and the stupid guy made my latte wrong (How dare he!). I didn't even get any foam on top of it and that's my favorite part! I lovesss the latte foam. So I came upstairs disappointed and ate my delish yogurt and drank my foam less latte and got to work.

Then my morning was going pretty routine until Jess text me and said she got her Alice Cooper/Rob Zombie tickets. Well, I was SUPPOSED to go with her so I'm pretty bummed now because I have to find someone else to go with. Thanks Jess, you asshole!

Well one good thing about Friday's is lunch time. I get to watch last night's episodes of Vampire Diaries and Grey's Anatomy. (Well one or the other, I don't have that much time!) Talking about it now, I wish it was lunch time! ..Not for an hour though.

Facebook is dying.

To me anyways. I'm over it. I mean, I'll still check it on a daily basis and I will still check it on my phone when I'm bored... but I won't like it!

You know whats really starting to get on my nerves? Chronic status updaters. We all have them. I've even deleted my fair share because they are so annoying! You've got the one whose always heart broken for some reason. The one who is always "Bar tonite, text me!" but can't actually spell. The one who is "So in love with the greatest boyfriend ever" *barf in my mouth*. And I've got one who always "just had the greatest workout ever. It feels so good to be in shape"... who cares. I've also got the song quoter and the philosopher who of coarse are good friends. I just can't handle them anymore! At some point people have to realize that no one cares, right? I'm not talking about the people who say things sometimes, or even all the time but it's not annoying. I'm talking the "Updaters". I can't handle them!

Well lads and gents, I have to whiz so this is the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDN9y2vTdUs&feature=related


Who let the dogs out?


I think every time I write these days it gets longer and longer before I write again. Either way, it's been a while! So let me take you on an adventure into the past couple exciting weeks of my life!

Okay so it's been almost 3 weeks! What has been going on? Not much. Well okay, that's not entirely true. So last weekend there was a few birthdays. First there was McKylie. We went to Whisky Jacks and I must say I was rather impressed! Great music, typical bar scene, but great music! Also, we had a "show"...

I say "show" because it resembled the beginning of a porno and I can only imagine how their night ended! So we got there, met Scott and we were all standing at the bar watching the drunkards get their dance on when Lynds and I spotted them! (Well they were sitting like right in front of us actually, but for the sake of the story we spotted them!) They were sitting on 2 stools around the dance floor. About 40 years old, also looked like your average 40 year olds. Not bar star looking or anything, if you passed them on the street you wouldn't think anything out of the ordinary. So the lady started by putting her hands on her husband/boyfriend's legs and they were just swaying to the music. Then the next thing you know they're making out... It only escalated from there. By the end of the "show" they were on one stool full on making out with the lady dry humping the life out of this guys leg. But the guy wasn't so innocent here, he had his hands all over her "assisting" with the humping of the leg. All while he was watching the young girls dance on the dance floor. It was like a bad accident, you wanted to look away but you couldn't. At one point Lynds even said "Are we on an episode of candid camera or something?!" because it was that unbelievable!

So after that exciting birthday we will move onto the "showless" (thank goodness) birthday party for the awesome little man Carson! What a guy that Carson - Top notch gentleman. Hard to believe he's already one year old!! I am happy to report that his party was not at Whisky Jacks. Nope, instead Lisa chose to take him swimming! Okay wait, let's go back to the "I can't believe he's one year old!" Oy yoy yoy, that means Lisa is getting old! I mean, I guess I'm getting old too but Lisa will always be older than me so I have nothing to worry about! I would like to send a special Thank You out to Lisa's mom for having her before I was born so I can always resort back to that and feel much better about myself :)

And finally, the last birthday. Old man Blair. Yep, that's what all the little kiddies in the neighbourhood call him now. He is officially like 100 (minus 76) but pretty much on the verge of retirement either way. So on Monday, which was his birthday, we started out by looking at old folks homes for him. We found a few nice ones but we're going to keep looking because all the places we looked at had lights out at 10:00 pm but Blair is in bed by 8:30 on most nights unless Larry King is on (I'm pretty sure they went to school together). Then we went for a nice brunch, I had eggs Benedict and he had a glass of Metamucil and a bran muffin. Then we went for a brisk walk in the park but it didn't last long because old man Blair forgot to refill his oxygen tank and his lungs just aren't what they used to be! Then we went home and had a quiet evening consisting of solitaire and the TV turned up really loud. It was a nice day.

Naaaahhh, the only truth in there was that I had eggs Benedict for breakfast (he did too). So for real we went for breakfast and then went snowboarding. Yes, I fell and it hurt. But it was tons-o-fun! There was next to no one out there all day and it was bea-utiful!! Too bad the hills weren't real hills! Oh well I still had fun!

So another exciting event.. I went to yoga last night. Holly molly, that's all I can say. Why haven't I been doing that my whole life?! When we were walking out of there I felt so stress free! It was weird. But nice. But weird. I'll definitely be going again and again. I wish I could just be in yoga forever!

So, since I was deathly ill on Monday and Tuesday I have piles of work to do this week and I must get back. I will try and not be such a stranger now a days. Here's something to you, from me :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxBMXizuSUE