? ??????????????Don't Look Back? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (2 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2423 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Shhh... Listen? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (3 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2565 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Co BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?


Magic Bullet.. sound like it doesn't belong in your kitchen!

Two in a row, could this be?

Yes, second day in a row! Like I've said before; I spoil you guys. So I decided that I should start writing more these days for two reasons..

One: I would like to tell you all about how productive I've been lately in going to the gym and such. And I think that if I brag about getting up before work to go work out, if I stop, I'll have to tell you all too and then I'll feel like a failure! Therefor, you will all keep me motivated!

Two: Well Blair, I know your reading this because you will have nothing better to do while your gonezo so I will take the liberty of keeping you occupado for a few minutes whenever I can :)

So, back to one. Yes, I STILL have been getting up before work to go to the gym! Well, when I don't have hockey to midnight or have anything else keeping up that late. But if I don't go before work I try to take it out on myself the next time I go. I think it's a decent system! Speaking of systems, I have also started tanning again. For those of you who go thru this every year with me, I know, it's useless for me. But I say it every year - I'm determined to make this year different! I WILL NOT be the ghost at the lake this year! ....Well, *as much* of a ghost anyways, I realize there is no hope for me.

And now, back to two. Blaiiiir had to go and leave me all alone because apparently making money is more important that spending time with his amazing girlfriend. Nah, just jokes. I'm pretty understanding. Or, I like to think so anyways.. I mean I know of some people who wouldn't even dream of not seeing their boyfriend for even 2 days. GOD FORBID 10!

Well Friday, we meet again.

Friday started like a Friday would start. With an exception.. them mofo's at Rogers suspended my account because I haven't paid my bill for a while (woops). Soo I tried to check my voicemail and they redirected me. Then I paid and had to call them to get it turned back on. But the lady was really nice so it was all okay in the end. So then I got to work and went down to get a yogurt and chai latte for breakfast and the stupid guy made my latte wrong (How dare he!). I didn't even get any foam on top of it and that's my favorite part! I lovesss the latte foam. So I came upstairs disappointed and ate my delish yogurt and drank my foam less latte and got to work.

Then my morning was going pretty routine until Jess text me and said she got her Alice Cooper/Rob Zombie tickets. Well, I was SUPPOSED to go with her so I'm pretty bummed now because I have to find someone else to go with. Thanks Jess, you asshole!

Well one good thing about Friday's is lunch time. I get to watch last night's episodes of Vampire Diaries and Grey's Anatomy. (Well one or the other, I don't have that much time!) Talking about it now, I wish it was lunch time! ..Not for an hour though.

Facebook is dying.

To me anyways. I'm over it. I mean, I'll still check it on a daily basis and I will still check it on my phone when I'm bored... but I won't like it!

You know whats really starting to get on my nerves? Chronic status updaters. We all have them. I've even deleted my fair share because they are so annoying! You've got the one whose always heart broken for some reason. The one who is always "Bar tonite, text me!" but can't actually spell. The one who is "So in love with the greatest boyfriend ever" *barf in my mouth*. And I've got one who always "just had the greatest workout ever. It feels so good to be in shape"... who cares. I've also got the song quoter and the philosopher who of coarse are good friends. I just can't handle them anymore! At some point people have to realize that no one cares, right? I'm not talking about the people who say things sometimes, or even all the time but it's not annoying. I'm talking the "Updaters". I can't handle them!

Well lads and gents, I have to whiz so this is the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDN9y2vTdUs&feature=related