"Dickshanary" -Lisa muthaf*ckin Ursel... my hero.
Oh yea, we totally had a Pen Pal Club. Lisa was the sole founder and CEO of it. She kept us all in line. There was Lisa, myself, Kelley Yee, and Jenny. Haha what a bunch. The reason I remember this is because on the notes I have at the bottom of everyone it said "P.S. Why don't you rite*(Lisa spelling) to Kelly and Jenny to?" Because I always only wrote to Lisa.
So I also have this other note in "The Box" it makes me laugh every time I think about it! Here is what it says. "Dear Amanda, I'm sorry I told Stephine you said she was a brownie. Can we still be friends? From Lisa. BFF" AHAHA So Stephanie was this girl that was the biggest baby EVER and she used to cry all the time and she may have not been exactly white.. Apparently I was a horrible little kid that called a black person a brownie :S I probably made her cry. And to top it all off, I guess I said it behind her back because Lisa told her I said it. I think I was a bully and Lisa was a sh*t disturber. ...Sounds about right for us.
Okay but wait, let me tell you about this Stephanie girl though! She told on me for EVERYTHING. And she cried like every time I talked to her! I don't think I was THAT mean to her! So this one time we were cleaning our desks in grade 5 and I had the bucket of water at my desk and stupid Stephanie sat by me so she was using it too. So she walked somewhere and as she was walking back she stepped right in the bucket (HA) and to top it off, it got stuck on her foot for a second! So naturally I laughed and even Mrs. Corrigal laughed!!! And Stephanie didn't see the humor. She instantly started crying and then ran to the bathroom (with her soaking wet foot ha ha) and she didn't come out for like and hour! What a baby, it was hilarious.
Detail challenged..
So, in light of recent events (Blair driving me to work this morning) it was brought to my attention that I did not go into enough detail in regards to my wicked awesome date last weekend! I would like to share with you all what went on this magical evening, better known as Saturday February 6, 2010.
Well it started out like any other evening, really. Except I was scrambling around my house trying to find something to wear. Throwing clothes on and off and back on again. Finally, I found it! As I finished getting dressed my door buzzer goes. I open the door and there was Blair, standing there looking all cute in his earlier mentioned slacks with blood running down his nose (he had a nose bleed, there was no domestic violence involved whatsoever). He was informing me that my chariot awaits.
Well the chariot had to wait about a half hour because he was there at 7:00 (on time.. a rather strange phenomenon) and we didn't have to be there until 8:00. At this point it was a surprise as to where he was taking me, all I knew is that we had to be there at 8:00 and that we were going to see Avitar afterwards. So the drive there was rather uneventful in comparison to the walk to the restaurant from our parking stall (18 blocks away). As we got closer to the doors a "residentially challenged" man (as he referred to himself) approached us. He wanted to know if he could "ask us an applicable question". I was totally fine with just walking on by but I think his large vocabulary wooed Blair into listening. His vernacular skills were quite impressive for a residentially challenged drunk-o.
After he slipped a few big words into his speech that did not quite make sense, Blair gave in. Then we carried on to the restaurant. Here is the main detail I left out earlier! We went to Von's. It was very impressive and delicious! So all in all, it was a wonderful night AND Blair smelt pretty good. I'm sorry for saying you smelt bad, okay.
Freckles Beckles Bo Beckles Banana Fanna Fo Feckles... Freckles.
So here's a little story.. Last night was clean sheet night. I love clean sheet night! So I took them out of the dryer and put them on my bed and threw my duvet on and oh goodness it just looked SO comfortable! So I got out of the bath and decided to paint the tosies. Freckles and I were sitting on my bed and she was just sitting and watching me, nothing out of the ordinary. And all of a sudden I look at her and she hadn't moved but she was staring at me all intense like. Then I realized it! She was peeing!!! B*TCH. She peed on my clean comfy looking bed that I had full intentions of laying in when I was finished!
I was NOT impressed! So I threw her into her kennel for the rest of her life and threw my duvet into the washer and went a laid on the couch angry and watched some lovely OC. Stupid dog. Here's a picture for you guys. Yea, I know she's cute. And she knows it too.

Okay, 3 days in a row? I spoil you guys sometimes. Here's a song... Rated R - proceed with caution. I don't know why I like this song.. it's pretty trashy.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUVyn9Q-lYE&feature=related And if you don't enjoy Dirty Mary, here is some less intense Crazy Mary.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ziGoJBLnRA
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