It is 8:48 a.m. and I am interrupted at work. When this person comes to you because you made a mistake, she makes sure you know how stupid you look.
Yesterday I sent her an e-mail with a mistake on a file. I typed 1967 instead of 1961. EVERYTHING else was correct and if you went to match it up on the computer it is clear as day what I mean. Instead of her coming over and saying "Hey Amanda, I think you typed the wrong number is this what you meant?" She will come over with all of the file and the e-mail and sit and treat it like the biggest mystery in the world. Like so big that you almost need Scooby and the gang to solve the mystery.
If you know what you did and show her, she will drag it on and ask 43 questions so you know that it took her an extra 32 seconds to double check your little mistake. Then she will stand there and make you feel like an effing moron so she can feel better about herself.
NEXT: she goes to the boss. WHY the hell do you need to go tell her that I put a 7 instead of a 1 and it took you foreverrrrrrrrr to figure it out because "I don't know what I'm doing". Now it looks like I don't know how to do my job and I have to have weekly meetings to make sure I'm doing the right things. EFF THAT.
This is the second time I've gotten talked to because she told on me for a mistake that is either completely out of my hands or something as easy as writing the wrong number by accident FOR THE FIRST TIME.
Maybe I'll come in on Monday and she will have quit. ...I can only hope.. like I do every other day.
I heard a great story last night and I would love to share it! A homeless man in Florida walked into a pet store and decided he wanted a ferret. He had a brilliant idea as to how to get it out of the store. He put it down his pants. The 17 year old boy working saw him and followed the man into the parking lot and confronted him about it and the man threw the ferret into the boys face and it bit the boy. Now the homeless man is being charge with having a "special weapon".
The best part? The kid got the ferret in the face after it had been down a homeless mans pants. That is not a situation I would like to experience. Anything that has to do with a homeless mans crotch is outside my comfort zone. I'm also surprised that it was not outside of the ferret's comfort zone causing a bite in a place no one should be bitten. Maybe the ferret thought he was amongst friends since it probably smelt the same as his nasty cage.
I really wish I had a bitchin stereo in my car. If you know me, you know I like my music as loud as it will go. It just sounds good. Plus if I get enough bass I think I could make my car bounce (how cool would I be?!). But until I can afford that, I listen to my lame cracking speakers on max.. At least I know what the songs are supposed to sound like!
OH! I learnt a trick that I would like to share. From now on, when you get on a jam packed bus or train or something start coughing uncontrollably. People look at you like you just released toxic gas into the air and they all shift awkwardly and start to "inconspicuously" cover their mouths and everything! You might even get 2 feet on every side of you while the rest of the train/bus is impossibly packed. It's great!
...I laugh, but I do the inconspicuous mouth cover and awkward shift too when people start germafying the area I'm stuck in. At that moment I just wish I could take a bath in boiling hot alcohol based sanitizer. BUT unlike most people I don't automatically think H1N1, it's just all around gross to me. I'm not paranoid, I just don't like being sick.
Being sick makes me feel tenebrous. Hmm don't know tenebrous means? Let me tell you! Because it's the word of the day!
Dark; gloomy