I found this picture. Compliments of Google. But what a great picture. When I first saw it I thought it was a blob of light. Then I looked closer and got a dark feeling from it. But then you realize it's the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wish I was at this point right now. But I'm not close yet. I only see a little bit of light coming through. I guess a little light is better than no light! And as long as I keep on truckin' I'll get there eventually!
Most days I come home from work and make supper followed by watching some mind numbing television which leads me to the shower and then off to bed. I have hockey twice a week and make time for friends too of coarse. But I felt like I was waiting for my life to begin. This weekend I realized - This is my life. What am I waiting for? And why do I have to wait for anything?
I know what I want to do and what I need to do in order for these things to happen and I was waiting for the right time to do them. So I asked myself "Self, when do you suppose we are going to start doing these things?" to which I replied "Well Amanda, just as soon as you stop talking to yourself and get your sh*t together."
Shortly after this conversation with myself I realized how good I am at talking a great story - even to myself. I also realized that only crazies have conversations with themselves so my first step in getting my sh*t together should be to stop talking to myself. And if I do need to talk to myself, maybe I should tell myself things I need to hear as opposed to things that sound good to me and everyone around me.
So I've taken the first step!
Step 1) STOP TALKING TO MYSELF. Hense the blog :) I'll talk to you instead!
When I figure out what step 2 is going to be I will be sure to let you all know! Until then I plan on going home and making supper. After supper I will make a game plan which will have at least step 2 in it. Then I will probably turn the boob tube on and turn my brain off then have a shower and then go to bed.
It's all about the baby steps.
All About The Baby Steps..
Posted by amandaplease at 3:22 PM
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