H1N1 ........again. Shut up already.
How paranoid do we get?! I just read yet another article on this stupid flu. Hey guys...it's the flu. Boy oh boy is it starting to annoy the fudge out of me. I understand the hype around people with babies and the pregos, but other than that... come on.
What set me off this morning is an artice I read about the 13 year old boy who died in Ontario. Okay, of coarse thats a horrible thing to hear. But they are starting to ban handshakes after the hockey games! LEAVE YOUR GLOVES ON! It's not a difficult concept. To me the post game handshake is important. It's when the game is over and you leave it all behind. If there is no post game handshake I'm pretty positive that stuff wont be left on the ice (or field, court..it's not just hockey that is doing this!). So if it's not left on the ice that means it's brought out after the game-fights. Leaving the arena mad leads to going home and worrying. Going home and worrying leads to loss of sleep, stress, poor performance at work/school. If everyone is walking around stressed out and not sleeping there are going to be A LOT of angry people. Imagine the murder rate if everyone is walking around horribly angry! I DON'T WANT TO DIE all because little Johnny couldn't shake some kids hand a week ago.
Sounds completely ridiculous right? Well so does all the fear of this stupid flu. ..And that's what really grinds my gears.
Here is something completely un-life changing.
So, I have the nips pierced. I used to be shy about saying it, but everyone has nipples so who cares what I do with mine. Anyways, I rolled over this morning and for the third day in a row I caught my hand on it and pulled. Ahhhoooouch. I got them done 10 weeks ago and they sure are taking they're sweet time healing. May I recommend not taking the route of "blinging" out your nipples unless you are prepared for some long drawn out anoying pain.
What an awkward word. Nipples. Nipples nipples nipples nipples.
Speaking of nipples! I went for supper at Lisa's last night. Yum. She has become a suprisingly good cook. Big change from back in the day when she used to make tomato soup for us and then think it was funny to wear it. (ahaha I guess that's more of an inside joke not meant for this situation but I'll leave it because she will read this and catch on). So after I left I went to Dollarama! What a great store! They have literally anything you'll ever need. You need a pitcher for juice - Dollarama. You need decorations for the holidays - Dollarama. You need food for your pets - Dollarama. You need a pregnancy test - Sucker, but guess what! Dollarama has them! What a fun place.
Want to increse your manhood?
Every morning when I go to delete my junk mail folder I notice a strange amout of e-mails offering to increse the size of my "manhood". Seeing as I don't have manhood, and I am completely happy with that, if your on the market for some larger junk just let me know and I will gladly pass your name along to Suzy Shlong or Dick Wang. Just be careful because they are very persistant! Like I said, I get them evvveryday and my name is Amanda...you'd think they would catch on..
Well I better get to work for a change. Someone mght catch on that I spend my time writing this crap as opposed to actually working. Hey guess what the word of the day is!
That's right!
1. To bring together; to fuse together; to join or meld
2. To combine (as two readings of a text) into one whole.
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