? ??????????????Don't Look Back? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (2 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2423 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Shhh... Listen? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (3 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2565 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Co BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?


This is me with the words on the tip of my tounge..

I like to sing in the shower, if you'd like I can sing to you..

Toyota Yaris. That's the sweet new ride. I know exactly what your thinking.. "Yikes!". I thought that too. Then I saw it and I love it. FYI: It's not a hatchback, I'm golden. I'm not sure what to think of the situation yet. I mean, I needed a stupid car and I wasn't getting Paco fixed any time soon but this one is costing me an arm and a leg to get on the road and all my arms and legs are already tied up! Oh well, I just gotta get past February and I'm set! ..Good thing it's a short month!

Oh goodness, so I have a girl on my facebook who's status changes everyday to something different along the lines of "I have the worlds best boyfriend!" or "Oh my god I'm the luckiest girl in the world!" and I just can't help but laugh. Okay, number one - Are you twelve? You don't need to share that with everyone in the world every single day. Number two - SHUT UP. What could he possibly be doing that you need to change your facebook every single day?!! Number three - He's gross. Like actually gross. Greasy and nasty and looks like he would smell really bad. Number four - Unless he's Superman, he's not that fantastic. And Superman is already taken :)

Ahahaha don't act like your not impressed!

Oh brother...

I don't have too much to say today. I just wanted to write so *someone* coughlisacough didn't complain :)

Hmm let's pick a good song today.. Oh boy! I just stumbled across this guy on youtube. His voice is AMAZING, like Fergie and Jesus. I'm in love with his voice. I'm going to put this song up but listen to some of the other songs he sings because he's fantastic!!!!!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoVeg5hpXXo&feature=related


I brought peanut butter and crackers again today, just to make a statement :)

Lamer and Lamer...

So last night we went to Ice on Whyte! I thought we were never going to find it tho! See here's what happened... So me being the keener I am I looked up the address of the park like a week ago and put it into my phone so I knew where we had to go! Funny story tho.. So we're driving around looking for 104 Ave and 85 Street and as we're driving and driving I realize that we are WAY off where it was last year and as we get up near a school I think "okay, so it should be on the next street over behind the school! We found it!" Only there was just river and no street behind this school! Oh boy. So we drove for a while in the wrong direction and I finally give in and looked up the address. Here's the thing, it was on 104 STREET and 85 AVE. Woops!

So this whole time we were looking for a backasswards address which was no where near where we wanted to be! Luckily Blair caught on and saved the day. Thank you Blair, I was wrong. Don't worry, it won't happen often :P

So lets talk about the actual "festival"! It used to be WAY more exciting. I think each year it gets lamer and lamer. All though I would never call it completely lame and I will still go every year because even though it's the same thing every year it's still cool to go down and look at the ice sculptures! I can't believe they do that with ice, it's wicked!

You know what really grinds my gears?

I work in an office with about 19 other people. We all sit in a fairly small space and your "cubicle neighbours" sit attached to you (obviously). Here is my logic.. If your too sick to come to work, don't. You sit ridiculously close to everyone so your just coming and getting everyone else sick as well! Okay so we had a meeting yesterday and everyone shoved into a tiny boardroom where we all share air and sat for 3 and a half hours. The lady across from me was literally drifting in and out because she was so sick she could barely sit up and keep her eyes open. She had a nasty pile of used tissue sitting in front of her and every time she did open her eyes she was downing another cough drop. The whole time we were in that meeting I was staring at her, watching her infect everyone around her. This morning I woke up with a stuffy runny nose. Suck it lady.

I am Amanda's smirking revenge..

This is going to sound odd for me to say. All those years of me saying I love winter and never want it to be summer have come around and kicked me in the butt. I WANT SUMMER. This winter business is depressing me. Last summer I found my love for the sunshine and heat. The trick is to wear sunscreen and I wont roast like a.. roast..? Who knew? I also cannot wait to put on my flippy floppies and put all my shoes away forever. My tosies want some freedom! Oh goodness I can't wait! I plan on spending every weekend possible sitting beside a lake this year. Even if it means sitting by myself in the sunshine. I have Freckles now, we'll be fine! Oh goodness she is going to love summer time! We will be able to go for walks and play in the water and everything! Her little naked self is made to withstand heat NOT the cold! So be gone winter, I've had enough of you this year! (But wait until I go snowboarding at least once.. then go).

Okay I've had enough blogging for one day, my face feels like it's going to explode and I keep sneezing. Grr stupid lady giving me her disease. Here's a gooder for you all to listen to.. Make sure your watching his sweet moves at 1:12!!
Larry is my hero.


Goodness Gracious!

In Dedication of Lisa Ursel:

This one is for you champ. Quit your bitchin! I've been trying to write since the 15th but I only get bits and pieces done at a time and it has turned into a pain in the butt! So today I decided to erase all the crap I have written and start fresh. Now what...

Peanut butter/ jam sandwiches, pancakes and ham, red radishes, heaven knows!? Anything goes... Homogenized and one and two percent...

Oh brother. So today for my snack I brought crackers and peanut butter, yum right? Well it was (is, I'm still working on it) delicious. Who ever thought the big loud mouth lady who ALWAYS has an opinion would have something to say about my peanut butter?! F*ck off, okay.

Man! So I open my lunch bag and pull out my crackers and little container of peanut butter and open her up and start putting peanut butter on my first cracker. Meanwhile she walks behind my desk to grab a file and that was the end of it. The first comment out of her mouth was "Do you really think that bringing peanut butter into this office is a good idea?" To which I replied dumbly "Ahhh...." So she says "Well, do you know how many people have allergies to peanuts these days?!" So I smirk, take a bite and say "Hmm, well do YOU have allergies? Because if you do I would suggest moving out of my cubicle while I eat this delicious cracker with peanut butter."

I wouldn't have been such a jerk about it if: A) it was anyone else and B) she had not been the one to bring peanut butter cookies for everyone last month... Then she goes on to say "No, (surprise!) but lots of people are deathly allergic to it and you should be more careful as to where you bring peanut butter." So I said "Thanks, but I'll worry about that situation when I need to."

So here's the thing! She walked into MY cubicle and decided to tell me what I should and should not be eating. Hm, how about look in the mirror and you'll realize that maybe YOU should lay off the peanut butter cookies lady. Frik.

Peanut butter is the ultimate food. Sucks that kids are actually that allergic to it, but that's life kiddos! I grew up on peanut butter sandwiches. Whenever my brothers or I would tell my mom we were hungry and it wasn't breakfast lunch or supper time my mom would ALWAYS say "Make a peanut butter sandwich." It used to drive us nutso! But these days, peanut butter is god.

Let me also tell you about my mom and peanut butter! She eats that stuff like it's going out of style! That literally is her breakfast lunch and supper and she is perfectly content with that! When she used to make our lunches for school we had a peanut butter sandwich in there every day. Always wrapped in a bread bag.. oh my mom and her bread bags. When we were in elementary school they used to call her and tell her she wasn't allowed to send us to school with peanut butter and she used to yell at them and low and behold, the next day I opened up my lunch and *ta-da* a peanut butter sandwich. Screw the kids with the allergies, the kids with all those allergies were probably dork-sticks anyways so it was like a repellent.

Be a good housewife...

So I just read the funniest thing ever. Taken from a text book in 1955, here are 5 marriage tips for every woman:

1. Have dinner ready: Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal -- on time. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospects of a good meal are part of the warm welcome needed.

2. Prepare yourself: Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your makeup, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. His boring day may need a lift.

3. Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives. Run a dust cloth over the tables.

4. Make him comfortable: Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice.

5. Listen to him: you may have a dozen things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the tie. Let him talk first.

Oh goodness. They actually taught women that?! "..offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice." Okie dokie, good thing I wasn't around back then! I mean it's one thing to make dinner and clean up but come on, I don't speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice at the best of times! And I'm definitely not taking off anybodies shoes, eff that noise! You want your shoes off, you take them off yourself!

Okay LISA, I hope this has fulfilled my blogging requirements for the time being because I must get back to work! Oh but wait, I have to find a song for today now too of coarse! Here it is... Jason Aldean's new song, I loooove it! Maybe it has something to do with him being the sexiest man alive with the most sexy voice EVER.. Anyways, here it is! The Truth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tZaIDo_ULk

Oh Jason Aldean <3 Let's just look at a picture..


Make some noise for the vengaboys!

Let's talk for uno momento about friendships.

So you've got the few who you know have your back, always, no matter what. For me, they are the most wonderful people I could ask for. Even if you don't talk to them every day, you know they're always there because they have always been there.

Next you have the friends who are just that. They aren't a huge part of your life but you see them often and they are great people. (Well mine are anyways!).

Then you have the people you know. You may know them from school or work but you just know them. If you see them walking by of coarse you'll stop and say "How's it going?" but that's about the extent of it.

Okay so let's talk about something that deals with friendship that most of us have encountered at one time or another.. Letting friendships go.

What are some reasons for this? Maybe you get in a huge "verbal altercation" (aka fight the sh*t out of it) because the person you thought someone was, wasn't. Maybe you grow up and someone else doesn't, so you let them go. Or maybe you realize that you put too much effort into something and the other "friend" doesn't think it needs as much attention.

I don't really remember what the point of this rambling was because, like always, I've been sidetracked. But I do know that I have wicked friends and I wouldn't trade them for the world! (Well maybe Lyndsay.. I could probably get my donkaaay, Batman, in a trade for her!).

Bigger and better things!

All right, I'm going to say it.. Today I am regretting getting some certain piercings. They take FOREVER to heal and I've already taken one out and the other one is coming out as soon as I can take it out! My goodness, they hurt. Don't EVER get the stupid idea of getting them pierced. Here is the worst part.. It is SOO depressing taking them out. Because they cost me a pretty penny (actually 20, 000 pretty pennies) AND they hurt like a SOB. No joke, worse pain in my life and I did it twice. And for what? For one to be pierced crappy and migrate and the other to just hurt all day errr day! Goodness, today I could think of 100 other things I could have spent 200 bones on at the time, as well as 100 other things I could have done with my nips that would hurt less and cost less (okay, not really, I just wanted to throw that in to make you feel uncomfortable while reading this!). Mission accomplished?

Horoscopes, something fun to look at for everyone, go look at yours!

I'm shaky on believing horoscopes. But, I do believe in astrological signs and such.. Only because mine does sound like me for the most part..

"The Leo is a dominant, spontaneous, creative and extroverted character. They possess grace, dignity and an expansive personality. The lion is king of the animal kingdom, and an appropriate symbol for Leo who tends to dominate his environment. Ambitious, courageous, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident are all words that describe the Leo traits.
Leos were born to lead and are most effective when in a position of command. Leos are straightforward and uncomplicated individuals who know what they want and pursue it with enthusiasm and a creative spirit. They are not easily daunted, and will persist through the most formidable of circumstances. They tend to be stubborn, and will hold onto a belief, or stick to a course of action through thick or thin. Because of their positive nature, they tend to expect the best, and when things don't turn out as they had expected, they react immediately and badly. Although, they may suffer from short bouts of depression when life doesn't meet their expectations, they bounce back quickly and move on with their normal cheerful and demonstrative nature. Leos walks forward always, head held proudly and face turned towards the sun."

So the only times I read my horoscope is when I'm having a bad day and like to hear some positive stuff. If it's negative, I carry on with my day like I never read it. If it's positive, I pretend like it's real. Even though I usually don't read too much into them they're still fun! Here is mine today:

Here's the deal. The way the heavens are arranged at the moment can mean only one of two things for you: An existing relationship will become far more intimate, or a new relationship will take off like a speeding bullet, aimed directly at both your hearts -- oh, and libidos. Either way, you'll have to excuse the rest of the world if we're not sympathetic about you having to reschedule that meeting. Just grin and bear it.

Silly horoscopes :)

Booty Pop?

This is hilarious! Take a look! But make sure you watch the video too!!

New Years Resolution!!

Finally, I know what I want it to be. Yes, yes, I'm a week and a half late but here it is: Get enough sleep and wake up early for work. Sounds lame right? Well, this morning while I was sitting with Freckles in the closet waiting for her to pee on her stupid puppy pad (grr) I realized something! If I don't give myself JUST enough time to get ready in the morning I will feel much more relaxed throughout the day. But if I'm going to be waking up earlier, I'm going to need to go to bed earlier too so I can get enough sleep! I'll keep you posted on how that goes - could be iffy! But I will give it my best!

Anyways, better wrap this suckka up before it turns into a full blown novel! I was trying to think of a good song for today and I was whistling this one so here it is.. I know you'll love it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_v468ptuXw (watch the two guys at 1:20... they're in love)


Just can't get enough :)


2010...Holly turds. All right so, I'm starting 2010 with no car, no money and a lame, lazy, broke ass roommate.

I'm excited. Why would I be excited to start a new year with all of this crap, you ask? Well for many reasons! First, there is no where to go but up... hopefully! Next, I figure if I start it un-excited that's not setting a very good beginning for a potential great year! And last but not least... I found someone who makes me forget all about the crap and turns it into happy every time :) ...and I'll stop at that for now.

The Frecks <3

Oh how I love my puppy! She's the sweetest little thing ever, despite being the most stubborn dog alive. I was reading stuff on potty training dachshunds today (most of them claimed it is next to impossible.. should have known!). I also came across a good website that had some quotes and crap and I found this and laughed, I can hear her saying it already...

1. If I like it, it's mine.
2. If it's in my mouth, it's mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it's mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
5. If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
6. If I'm chewing something, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it looks just like mine, it is mine.
8. If I saw it first, it's mine.
9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.

Yea, look at that sweet little face.. that's the face of a monster!

News and random shenanigans...

I just read a funny story. Well, funny in the sense that it makes you shake your head and say "some people". Here's the title of the article.. "Man uses baby as shield from stun gun". Yep, the story is exactly as the title reads, I don't think I need to explain. Whhhhhat an idiot. Who gave that man a baby?!

Okay I've been trying to write this for like 3 days now and I keep stopping and starting again so today, I will finish it!

Hmm something I find strange.. So there is this girl who just had a baby a little while ago. Here's the thing.. There are no pictures of the baby on facebook and no talk of the baby on there either and she is on like every day! I mean, okay facebook is facebook. You don't need your entire life on there BUT if I just had a baby (yikes, not that that's happening! ...yikes!) I would have pictures of the baby everywhere! I mean, it's your new baby! I would have pictures of it the second the stork dropped it off! (Contrary to popular belief, that IS where babies come from). So I'm curious, how long is it going to take? Sheesh, it's not like a new car where it's exciting to you but everyone else could care less. IT'S A BABY. Your baby. Show that sucker off because everyone loves a baby!

So, I am still Paco-less :( I was looking at other cars and stuff but I just don't think I'm ready to part with my baby at this time. I mean he's my car. It would be like Batman with out Robin. (Paco is Robin because he's just a car, plus he's lame right now too so he matches the description of Boy Wonder). So I guess I'm just saving to fix him.. Going to be saving forever! I decided last night tho that when I take him in for the big operation I'm also going to get a few things fixed that have been needing to be fixed for quite some time! A) The squealing belts! B) An oil change (I'm sure he'll be much happier with me then) and finally C) His main character flaw that everyone in the world makes fun of us for... The broken lock on my door, yes, it is time to get that fixed. Please note- While yes, I am joking around and seem okay with this, I am not and it is still a touchy subject and I will still not step foot on a bus ever again.

All right I do believe that's enough ramble jamble for one day (well three days actually) so lets go with a super duper song today.. I actually just found it and I really like it a whole lot! You got me :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLFbvaN310c