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Make some noise for the vengaboys!

Let's talk for uno momento about friendships.

So you've got the few who you know have your back, always, no matter what. For me, they are the most wonderful people I could ask for. Even if you don't talk to them every day, you know they're always there because they have always been there.

Next you have the friends who are just that. They aren't a huge part of your life but you see them often and they are great people. (Well mine are anyways!).

Then you have the people you know. You may know them from school or work but you just know them. If you see them walking by of coarse you'll stop and say "How's it going?" but that's about the extent of it.

Okay so let's talk about something that deals with friendship that most of us have encountered at one time or another.. Letting friendships go.

What are some reasons for this? Maybe you get in a huge "verbal altercation" (aka fight the sh*t out of it) because the person you thought someone was, wasn't. Maybe you grow up and someone else doesn't, so you let them go. Or maybe you realize that you put too much effort into something and the other "friend" doesn't think it needs as much attention.

I don't really remember what the point of this rambling was because, like always, I've been sidetracked. But I do know that I have wicked friends and I wouldn't trade them for the world! (Well maybe Lyndsay.. I could probably get my donkaaay, Batman, in a trade for her!).

Bigger and better things!

All right, I'm going to say it.. Today I am regretting getting some certain piercings. They take FOREVER to heal and I've already taken one out and the other one is coming out as soon as I can take it out! My goodness, they hurt. Don't EVER get the stupid idea of getting them pierced. Here is the worst part.. It is SOO depressing taking them out. Because they cost me a pretty penny (actually 20, 000 pretty pennies) AND they hurt like a SOB. No joke, worse pain in my life and I did it twice. And for what? For one to be pierced crappy and migrate and the other to just hurt all day errr day! Goodness, today I could think of 100 other things I could have spent 200 bones on at the time, as well as 100 other things I could have done with my nips that would hurt less and cost less (okay, not really, I just wanted to throw that in to make you feel uncomfortable while reading this!). Mission accomplished?

Horoscopes, something fun to look at for everyone, go look at yours!

I'm shaky on believing horoscopes. But, I do believe in astrological signs and such.. Only because mine does sound like me for the most part..

"The Leo is a dominant, spontaneous, creative and extroverted character. They possess grace, dignity and an expansive personality. The lion is king of the animal kingdom, and an appropriate symbol for Leo who tends to dominate his environment. Ambitious, courageous, strong willed, positive, independent, self-confident are all words that describe the Leo traits.
Leos were born to lead and are most effective when in a position of command. Leos are straightforward and uncomplicated individuals who know what they want and pursue it with enthusiasm and a creative spirit. They are not easily daunted, and will persist through the most formidable of circumstances. They tend to be stubborn, and will hold onto a belief, or stick to a course of action through thick or thin. Because of their positive nature, they tend to expect the best, and when things don't turn out as they had expected, they react immediately and badly. Although, they may suffer from short bouts of depression when life doesn't meet their expectations, they bounce back quickly and move on with their normal cheerful and demonstrative nature. Leos walks forward always, head held proudly and face turned towards the sun."

So the only times I read my horoscope is when I'm having a bad day and like to hear some positive stuff. If it's negative, I carry on with my day like I never read it. If it's positive, I pretend like it's real. Even though I usually don't read too much into them they're still fun! Here is mine today:

Here's the deal. The way the heavens are arranged at the moment can mean only one of two things for you: An existing relationship will become far more intimate, or a new relationship will take off like a speeding bullet, aimed directly at both your hearts -- oh, and libidos. Either way, you'll have to excuse the rest of the world if we're not sympathetic about you having to reschedule that meeting. Just grin and bear it.

Silly horoscopes :)

Booty Pop?

This is hilarious! Take a look! But make sure you watch the video too!!

New Years Resolution!!

Finally, I know what I want it to be. Yes, yes, I'm a week and a half late but here it is: Get enough sleep and wake up early for work. Sounds lame right? Well, this morning while I was sitting with Freckles in the closet waiting for her to pee on her stupid puppy pad (grr) I realized something! If I don't give myself JUST enough time to get ready in the morning I will feel much more relaxed throughout the day. But if I'm going to be waking up earlier, I'm going to need to go to bed earlier too so I can get enough sleep! I'll keep you posted on how that goes - could be iffy! But I will give it my best!

Anyways, better wrap this suckka up before it turns into a full blown novel! I was trying to think of a good song for today and I was whistling this one so here it is.. I know you'll love it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_v468ptuXw (watch the two guys at 1:20... they're in love)