Lamer and Lamer...
So last night we went to Ice on Whyte! I thought we were never going to find it tho! See here's what happened... So me being the keener I am I looked up the address of the park like a week ago and put it into my phone so I knew where we had to go! Funny story tho.. So we're driving around looking for 104 Ave and 85 Street and as we're driving and driving I realize that we are WAY off where it was last year and as we get up near a school I think "okay, so it should be on the next street over behind the school! We found it!" Only there was just river and no street behind this school! Oh boy. So we drove for a while in the wrong direction and I finally give in and looked up the address. Here's the thing, it was on 104 STREET and 85 AVE. Woops!
So this whole time we were looking for a backasswards address which was no where near where we wanted to be! Luckily Blair caught on and saved the day. Thank you Blair, I was wrong. Don't worry, it won't happen often :P
So lets talk about the actual "festival"! It used to be WAY more exciting. I think each year it gets lamer and lamer. All though I would never call it completely lame and I will still go every year because even though it's the same thing every year it's still cool to go down and look at the ice sculptures! I can't believe they do that with ice, it's wicked!
You know what really grinds my gears?
I work in an office with about 19 other people. We all sit in a fairly small space and your "cubicle neighbours" sit attached to you (obviously). Here is my logic.. If your too sick to come to work, don't. You sit ridiculously close to everyone so your just coming and getting everyone else sick as well! Okay so we had a meeting yesterday and everyone shoved into a tiny boardroom where we all share air and sat for 3 and a half hours. The lady across from me was literally drifting in and out because she was so sick she could barely sit up and keep her eyes open. She had a nasty pile of used tissue sitting in front of her and every time she did open her eyes she was downing another cough drop. The whole time we were in that meeting I was staring at her, watching her infect everyone around her. This morning I woke up with a stuffy runny nose. Suck it lady.
I am Amanda's smirking revenge..
This is going to sound odd for me to say. All those years of me saying I love winter and never want it to be summer have come around and kicked me in the butt. I WANT SUMMER. This winter business is depressing me. Last summer I found my love for the sunshine and heat. The trick is to wear sunscreen and I wont roast like a.. roast..? Who knew? I also cannot wait to put on my flippy floppies and put all my shoes away forever. My tosies want some freedom! Oh goodness I can't wait! I plan on spending every weekend possible sitting beside a lake this year. Even if it means sitting by myself in the sunshine. I have Freckles now, we'll be fine! Oh goodness she is going to love summer time! We will be able to go for walks and play in the water and everything! Her little naked self is made to withstand heat NOT the cold! So be gone winter, I've had enough of you this year! (But wait until I go snowboarding at least once.. then go).
Okay I've had enough blogging for one day, my face feels like it's going to explode and I keep sneezing. Grr stupid lady giving me her disease. Here's a gooder for you all to listen to.. Make sure your watching his sweet moves at 1:12!!
Larry is my hero.
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