Allright allright. That's enough of me sharing my love of autobots for one day.
Okay, I'm going there...
Tonight is the night. Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Pat Quinn & the Oilers. Goodness I wish I was at that friggin game! I mean of coarse I cheer for the Oilers - in a situation where they are not playing my number one favorite team ever. It seems I am in a dilly of a pickle! Because I am going to enjoy watching Toronto beat them whereas any other day I would be a little saddened by a loss for the Oilers (nah not really, if that was the case I would be walking around sad all the time! ZING!). Okay, enough digs towards the Oil. It's bad enough that they are about to get beat by the Leafs :) ...They better anyways or I am going to look dumb tomorrow!
Automobiles and other things...
So if anyone knows of a someone selling the cheapest biggest piece of crap car (that will run for approx. 2 months) please let me know! I just need a stupid car that will work until I can fix my baby. Poor Paco is really broken this time! He's just sitting outside collecting snow. I think I might go brush him off and fire him up tonight just to let him know I haven't forgotten about him. Because I'm almost positive that he's sad that I don't go near him anymore. Plus, I don't want anything else to stop working because I don't start him for a while and it's cold. That will just cost me more of my non-existent money, yikes!
I also have a complaint for Santa this year! I'm pretty sure I asked him for a new transmission but when I woke up and looked under our tree, much to my surprise, there was only a pile of pine needles sitting there. Thank you for ruining my day Santa... *IF* that's even your name.
Hmm I should probably wrap this up and do some work today since I've only got one and a half days left this week!
I'm going to stick with the song of the day trend though, I think more people are going to care about a song as opposed to a word (even though I was totally fine with the words!). Today I heard a song by Weezer ft. Lil Wayne. First thought in my head was "Oh gosh, seriously?" But it's actually pretty sweet. I mean I like both of them so why wouldn't they sound all right together? Anywho, here it is!
"I can't stop partying, partying. I can't stop partying, partying. I gotta have Patrone, I gotta have the beat, I gotta have a lot of pretty girls around me." (Pretty catchy if you ask me!)