? ??????????????Don't Look Back? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (2 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2423 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Shhh... Listen? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (3 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2565 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Co BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?


I'm so glad that your here today, cause tomorrow I might have to go and fly away!

Look at me still smiling..

It's just because I love smiling! Smiling's my favorite!

Hmm so now that the who-ha of Christmas is over and done with I have to look forward to the new year! And it is shaping up to be a promising one.. hopefully.. I mean, it's ending on a low note so that means there is only room for improvement, right? I think that's what I said last year too but it didn't turn out that way. Well 2010 will end on a high note - Mark my words. (I've always wanted to say that for some reason.. Now I just feel like a loser.)

Christmas time is...

For being with your family and friends. That's why I love it! The whole fam-damly gets together and we get to see everyone and hang out and all that jazz. That is on my mom's side. My dad's side is another story. I dread Christmas because we must make an appearance over there at my aunts house. Their motto is "Slap on your fake face and come on down!". You want to talk about fun... THAT is not it. I find it extremely awkward and stick very close to the broskis. In the case of separation you better have to pee and then "loose something" so you have to look for it instead of socializing. In my case, it's usually my chap stick, when really it's just my brothers. Then you find them and head back into the basement to avoid the scene upstairs and you are golden.

This year we ducked out with the promise of returning after supper... never to return. It was nice, we spent the evening at mom's where we all fit in and no one cares what you wear or what you own. What a nice way to spend time with your family... Like your supposed to.

2010 :-O

I would like to say that day one of three for the week is almost over. In about one hour I will be homeward bound to bake some cupcakes for New Years :) I will be making chocolate and vanilla! Yum. I love cupcakes. I may have a slight addiction.

I'm pretty excited for New Years. Another New Years Eve with the Bruckmann family can never be anything but fantastic! I realize Lyndsay doesn't actually read my blog (I don't think.. Lynds if you do, this is news to me!) But I would like to point out what a great family that is. If I ever (for some strange reason) need to be adopted I would be going straight to that family, if they wanted me or not! I just made up their minds for them. That's how wonderful they are.

Another exciting thing I am excited for because it's exciting.. is for slo-pitch to start. (I realize that all didn't make sense but I'm obviously too excited to care!) I know, it's not even January yet and I've got my game plan all mapped out. Well somewhat.. I don't actually know whose playing yet or anything.. BUT don't worry, it will be figured out all in good time. Ohhh boy I love slo-pitch season!

Je ne sais pas mais le français ...

J'ai eu une idée .. Je vais mettre tout ce paragraphe en traducteur google et il va sortir en français. Si vous savez vraiment français, je ne suis pas, donc il cool parce que je ne serai pas en mesure de parler à vous ou à quoi que ce soit. Mais laissez-moi vous raconter une histoire! Donc il était une fois un petit oiseau. Son nom est Henry. Henry avait beaucoup, beaucoup de petits amis birdy. Un jour, Henry brid rencontré une petite fille. Son nom était Shiniqua. Shiniqua voulu s'envoler beaucoup. Alors un jour, Henry s'est envolé avec elle et ils vécurent heureux pour toujours. The End. ... Wow fantastique. Je viens de l'inventer. Je sais, vous ne serez jamais me croire mais c'est vrai! Maintenant, de retour à l'anglais ...

Boom. That just happened.


I liked English in School. It was always a good subject for me. Until I hit grade 11 and my #&*@# teacher decided she didn't want me in her class. (We didn't get along very well.. story of my life!) So she put me in the "lower" english class where of coarse I did amazing and the new teacher liked me very much (weird). So I got very fantastic grades (dispite being under the influience of "substance X" pretty much every day of my life). Ahhh I miss high school. ...I make myself laugh... substance X... Good times had by all. We sure were some crazy kids back in the day, but that's a whole nother story for a whole nother day!

Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl...

Annnnnd we're back. Real world issues... I'm off work soon. Now that's a real world issue! I'm going to wrap this up but unfortunatly I am unable to give you the word of the day. Dictionary.com seems to have a bug (according to the government computer) and it keeps shutting my internet down when I open it! So instead of word of the day let's go with a song of the day! For those of you who may not know my favorite band in the whole entire world is, of coarse, Pink Floyd. ..How could it not be? This leads us to my favorite song in the whole entire world! Wish you were here. Take a listen. If you don't love it I have a bone to pick with you!!
