Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with yoooou!
I love Christmas music. And since I have no cable at home that is what I put on to cover up the silence. It's wonderbar. I also listen to it at work all day on my computer :) I know, you'd think I'd get sick of it already but I'm not. Even when I'm not listening to it I find myself whistling or humming it. ...hmmhmm hmm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hmhmmm.
You know what sucks about this Christmas? ...Besides having a broke ass brother that eats up my paychecks like no one's business. NO CAR. Eff. I know I keep complaining about it but no car+no money=lame. I'm not a fan of once again becoming the mooch that needs to ask for rides everywhere. I much prefer being the ridee as opposed to the rider.
It's okay, it just means I have more time to sit at home and watch no t.v. (no cable) with Freckles while I work on making her pee on the #*&%*@! puppy pad, which by the way, is apparently very difficult for some puppies because they are stubborn and think they run the house.. Grrrrrr. Good thing she's cute!
I'm pretty excited for Christmas for another reason too! 5 days off! Yaaaay. Good thing the government closes at every possible reason. We have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day (or in the cases where Boxing day is on the weekend we have a "floater" day). Convenient, I know! This means I will put my P.J.'s on on Boxing Day and not get dressed until Tuesday since I have no way to get anywhere! ...Okay, I'll probably get dressed, but for no reason still.
Anywho, I don't have much to say I just thought I would ramble jamble today since I haven't for a few days.
Here is the word of the day:
Marked by, causing, or expressing grief or sorrow.
...Hmm how cheerful and Christmasy, Geez!
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