Incredible Turn of Events..
Haven't written for like a week or so! So sorry guys! I was just oh so busy! SO here's the exciting news.......
Noodles comes home tomorrow :) (Noodles is the puppy). She's flying and she will be here at 5:30!!! I am way beyond excited! Next on the exciting block is someone I won't talk about because I don't want to get TOO excited yet.. but I'm excited.. they are fantastic :) So good things come in three. I'm just waiting on number 3! ...Any minute now...
Hmm something else I'm wicked excited for is the Christmas party next weekend!! Oh man, that should be a GREAT time! I love having everyone together because I have the most awesome friends anyone could ask for!
Some Great Music!!
So I listen to music on youtube while I'm working. I stumbled across Eric Church. I knew most of his songs but didn't know they were by him, or even that they were all by the same person! But he is an amazing singer and I've never noticed before. (He's not much to look at tho lol). Here's some of his songs you should take a listen to! (You've probably heard them all but listen again..they're amazing):
Love Your Love the Most, Lightning, How bout' you, Guys Like Me, Two Pink Lines..Just a few but they're all uh-maze-ing. His videos are pretty good too so check him out on youtube if you've got some time!
Hmm so I'm also pretty stoked for the Lonestar concert! Probably not as stoked as Lisa, but still pretty stoked! After all these years, I must thank her for putting me through the torture of country music in Jr. High. I love love love it these days and couldn't imagine what I would be listening to if she didn't make me force love it back in the day. A lot of my favorite songs and bands are country!
Back to Lonestar.. Not in my top favorites but definitely was one of Lisa's. Which means that I had to listen to A LOT of it when I hated country music. There is one song in particular that makes me want to stab my ears out, to this day, every time I hear it. Yet, I will listen to the whole song and sing along. I can't help it! ..I call it number 7 because on all of the CD's she used to make it was ALWAYS number 7. And thinking about it now it was on pretty much every CD she made. ...That doesn't make sense. Why would you put the same song on every CD you were making? Kind of defeats the purpose of a "new" CD. But I won't judge. Either way, I'm excited! I may despise them for making that one song but the rest of they're music was very good!
Look at all the snow today!! Isn't it wicked?! I love snow SO much!! I don't like the people who say "Well I like the snow, but I don't like the cold." ...WTF. When does snow come? -In the winter. What happens in the winter? -It gets cold. Cold and snow go together. How ridiculous would it be if it snowed in July when it was +30 out? Bet you wouldn't be very happy then either. So don't say "I like snow but hate the cold" because it's a package deal, like the Backstreet boys.
Hmm we haven't had a word of the day for a while either, have we?! Well you'll all be happy to know that today it's a fun word!
A hodgepodge; jumble; confused medley.
Well that's all I got, so I hope you all stay warm today and enjoy the beautiful snow!
Gotta say I think Eric Church is adorable to look at! Big brown puppy dog eyes and a silly crooked grin. He's hot! :)
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