Nah there is no controversy, I just wanted to title this section that for fun. I realized how negative my last few posts have been and NOT TODAY. Today I will switch back to the good ones that you actually enjoyed reading! Hmm been a while, right?
Hello, it is December 22nd and that means Christmas is in 3 DAYS!! That's when Santa comes :) ...SANTA?!! I KNOW HIM! .......Pff I wish. Ba-rum-bum-bump-bum.
I just feel random today.
Oh my goodness! Let's talk for uno momento about the best goalerrr in history!! Martin Brodeur! <3>SUCK IT PATRICK ROY NO ONE LIKES YOU BECAUSE YOU SUCK! Woo sorry for the outburst, I can't help myself sometimes. Anywho, back to the Brodeur Machine (I just decided to name him that). He's pretty much my favorite player in the whole wide world that is still playing (besides Hailey Wickenheiser, of coarse!). He got bumped up the day Domi cut the cord and one more time when Sundin retired :( Now a days, he's all I got left. All though I am becoming more and more accustomed to the likes of Kaberle but I still wouldn't call him an all time favorite, he's got a ways to go.
So besides that incredible man who I may or may not be secretly in love with (Amanda Brodeur does have a nice ring to it...) let me tell you a little piece of info I just found out! There is a Star Trek Christmas movie! Like an old one. Yikes, I am willing to bet you didn't know about that! Probably because it is most likely HORRIBLE. Here is the quick description of it: "Captain Kirk and gang encounter a wintery elf-filled planet ruled by a fascist Santa.". Ooooo sounds captivating doesn't it? Yea, didn't think so.
Dear snow haters:
I was walking to the LRT station this morning and I was the first person to walk on the path since it snowed last night. So as I'm walking I realize that the snow looks sparkly! So I'm watching it and realizing how beautiful it is and then I noticed the cracking sound that my boots were making in the snow and I felt wonderful! It was a beautiful walk and I could have walked up and down the path all day and been perfectly content with the world. It was very relaxing. If your stressed out about Christmas or anything, do yourself a favor and take a walk in the snow. It's excellent!
Hmm you know what I think my most favorite part of Christmas is? Wrapping presents! I don't know why, but I could sit and wrap for hours! ..if any of you ever need a wrapper, I'm your gal! ..Not guaranteeing it will be the best wrap job, but it will get done!
Fun Fact...
I found a slide of haunted hotels in Canada! Did you know the the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel is haunted by two people?! One of them was a bellman in the 60's and apparently if you loose your key he will appear at the door to help you get into your room! But if you talk to him he disappears! And another one was a bride whose dress caught on fire and while she was running down the staircase she tripped and fell and broke her neck and you can apparently see her sometimes in the staircase as well! Creepy.. if it's for real.
All right well that's enough for day two in a row (I would just like to point that out).
Collude is the word of the day today! And it means to act in concert; to conspire; to plot. ...Just so you know :)
Merry Christmas guys :D
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