I'll be the one to say it...
Here is a new thing I'm seeing a lot if lately... "LOLOL". Why does anyone even need to point out how stupid this is? Well I will anyways...
If you're saying "LOLOL" because you think that adding 2 extra letters to that acronym makes it sound like you think it's funnier - your dumb. You are saying "laugh out loud out loud". Where else would you be laughing out loud besides.. out loud? You don't need to clarify for us because we get it. "Laugh Out Loud" is quite literally taken by most people as laughing out loud. We're not thinking to ourselves "Hmm I wonder if they mean they are laughing out loud or just inside at that comment... I wish they would clarify by adding an extra "OL" to that!".
And then I seen it. The icing on the cake... "LOLOLOLOLOL" Hello, my name is: Redundancy.
Speaking of redundancy!
Yesterday I got on the train and sat down. There were 2 high school aged girls sitting across from me talking. I couldn't count the number of times one girl said "FML". "Oh my god, I woke up sooo late this morning and I was all like FML." "I got to school and was .25 cents short at the cafeteria and I was all like FML again." "Then I went to class and my teacher told me to stop talking! FML." ...It went on like this the WHOLE train ride. By the time I got off I just about dropped a FML of my very own. Then I decided a nice little concoction of my own would better serve the situation... FYL. Yes, F*ck Your Life. I stood up, screamed FYL in her face and grabbed her by the hair and threw her off the train and onto the tracks into the oncoming train on the other side.
...Then I woke up from my wonderful daydream and peacefully got off the train and went home.
I'm real annoyed today so I shall vent on. ONWARD TALLY-HO.
Okay so there is this lady. Oh my goodness! Her voice is where I will begin. This voice is something else. You know those nasally voices some people have and you just wish they would take a frozen hockey puck right in the throat so they smash their voice box so they can no longer talk? Ya, she has one of those. And to top it all off, she looooooves to talk!
She is very... opinionated. She will ask you a question and then follow up with a pause until you start to answer and she'll cut you off so she can tell you what she thinks before you can say a whole word. If you start talking to her and tell her a story she will follow it up with an 8 minute story about how her husband likes Cheetos.
Every pointless mind numbing story she tells is about her husband, her 40 year old son who lives at home still, or wal mart. Here is an example and feel free to stop reading the story half way through, I think you will get the point. (her name in this story will be Trudy even tho that's not really her name).
"So last night I watched Dancing With The Stars." (That's her life FYI, I know this because that's all she talks about lately). "My husband comes into the room and he says to me, he says "Trudy" he says "You and that show, I don't get it." So I says back to him, I says "You just don't get it, it's a good show!" And then I made him watch it. But you know, he didn't really like it! So at the end of it I says to him, I says "Go fix the house if you don't want to watch it." And he did! Then I went out to do the dishes and I realized we had no dish soap! So I yelled downstairs to him, I said "I'm going to Wal Mart because that's where dish soap is the cheapest!" and he yells back up "Okay" so I said "okay". I got to Wal Mart and they had Palmolive on sale for $2.99! What a deal! So I bought two and I says to myself, I says "My husband is going to love hearing about this!". So as I was walking to the cashier I noticed they had Bounty paper towel on sale too! I thought wow, what a good night to come here because they always have good deals! That's the only place I shop, you know. They have everything you need in there and it's usually fairly cheap. I also got dog food and a toy for him. You should go, I know how much people like deals!"
The End. I know you enjoyed my rendition of her story. Now imagine listening to that in the voice I talked about earlier. By the end of the first sentence you want to jump off a bridge!
December 11
Exciting news happening on Dec. 11. I can officially tell everyone today! (Except my mom. DON'T tell my mom yet..if you know my mom... if not, still don't tell her. Seriously. You will ruin my surprise!)
So the exciting news, you ask? A PUPPY :) She is a sweet little dachshund who will be named Noodles. Here is her picture and please refrain from being too jealous because I know she is the cutest ever. Also, my game plan is for her to be much friendlier than Milo was (haha). For those of you who had the pleasure of knowing/being bit by Milo have no fear with this little gal, she will love everyone. Okay enough rambling, here she is.....

Love Love Love <3
Other than that I am going to go ahead and NOT use dictionary.com's word of the day and use my own. That word is...
1. characterized by verbosity or unnecessary repetition in expressing ideas; prolix: a redundant style.
2. being in excess; exceeding what is usual or natural: a redundant part.
3. having some unusual or extra part or feature.
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