Hello My Name Is:
I had an amazing sleep last night. I also had a dream. Oh boy, I have some gooders! This one wasn't a gooder but I'll share anyways. I had a dream that I was in school! Imagine that... seeing as that's all I want to do right now, and it's all I can think about. Uhhg.
FRIK the lady beside me is setting her watch and everytime she pushes a button it beeps. SHUT UP ALREADY. How hard is it to change a watch time!!!?! She's been beeping for about 2 minutes! It's taking over my brain to the point where I'm about to stand up and tell her to stfu! Woah man. ..."I'm Amanda's brain. I have OCD and love to piss her off!"
Okay she's done. Thank goodness. ...Now she's digging around in a bag that is crinkling. There is no hope here. They're going to be dragging me out of here in a straight jacket today.
So anyways. This morning I rolled over in bed and opened my eyes only to find a big old dog panting in my face. Nothing like the smell of dog breath first thing in the morning, thats for sure! I miss having a dog :( I specifically miss Milo but since he's sitting in a box in my room in ash form I will have to find a new alternative.
I've decided since I can't get a big dog (space restrictions) I will settle for a small dog. Here's the thing tho... I don't want a little fluffy yappy dog that everyone pretends to like but really it looks like everyone elses little fluffy yappy dog. I want a real dog. What kind of small dog could pass as a real dog?? I'm thinking just another weiner dog since they arent fluffy looking. I've always wanted a Basset Hound, I just love them! BUT my dad raised a good point. "Basset Hounds aren't like fish or lizzards that only grow to fit their tanks" Which translates into = Basset Hounds can be big mofos! So, what's a minature Basset Hound...? A weiner dog! Ta-da!
Hey watch this....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OBlgSz8sSM
I have nothing interesting to say today... Time is on standstill here at work and my brain is shut off. But the word of the day is cool so this wasn't a complete waste of time!
Devious, dishonest, or unscrupulous behavior or activity; also: an instance thereof
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