Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride...
So the finale of the animal watching ended yesterday because Brad and Tara are home! (I've been watching their cats while they were gone). They were in Jamaica with the rest of the bunch. ..Well they were the reason for being there, of coarse. They got married! Yay, I find this pretty exciting because Tara is pretty much the best (if you didn't already know) and now she's officially my cousin! I think... if she marries my cousin that makes her my cousin-in-law right? Is there such thing? Meh, she's my cousin. Either way she's stuck with us for good now (not that she really had a choice).
Here is something exciting! My brother finally got his licence a couple weeks ago! (One of them anyways... Kim can go get his anytime..). So he's been car shopping for about a week. Good god! I thought shoe shopping with Kim was brutal. That's nothing compared to Scott. That guy has NO idea what he wants. I mean, he thinks he knows and he's got this vision of the perfect truck in his head. Only problem is that this "perfect truck" is WAY out of his price range and he doesn't seem to want to settle for less. He makes me feel frustrated!
I remember shopping when we were younger. My dad would take us to the mall for new clothes (always exciting). So Kim and I would find tonnes of stuff and be done before you knew it! Scott would take until lunch -forcing dad to buy us all lunch at the mall, then we would be into the afternoon and walking in and out of stores that we had already been in. Funny thing is that we would always end up in The Bay looking for jeans for him. And Kim and I would stand there and watch while my dad got mad because Scott was worse than a girl (me) and didn't like a thing he tried on. Sometimes they made his ankles look too skinny, sometimes they made his butt look big, sometimes the pockets weren't big enough to hold his tampons. Either way, he was always the worst. This is what him buying a truck is like only 10x worse!
Ladies Love Country Boys...
Yes, this is true. Why is it true? I don't know. All I know is that this morning when I drove up beside this beautiful Chevy and looked in and saw the gorgeous boy in his cowboy hat driving and he smiled like a gentleman, I pretty much took the dumbest smile I could muster up and sent it right back his way followed by almost running into the car in front of me because I couldn't pay attention and wanted to get out of there before I could embarrass myself anymore with whatever other stupid facial expressions I could pull out first thing in the morning. ...It didn't happen. I looked over once more and he was laughing and I went as red as I possibly could and looked away awkwardly pretending that didn't just happen, but we both knew it did. And then the light stayed red some more. Yep, so if your looking for the longest traffic light in the city I would be happy to tell you where to find that.
Maybe it's the trucks.. Put a hot guy in a cowboy hat into a truck and I become useless. Mind you, if you took that same hot guy with the cowboy hat out of the truck he's done for too (and by done I mean locked in my basement forever..). Okay, so maybe it's the hat? BUT you need to be careful boys. That hat will make or break you. Not everyone can pull it off! Stick to the truck, you have a better chance of pulling that off than the hat. Okay I change my mind. I think it's just the whole combination. Hot truck + hot boy + cowboy hat = trouble! ..Trouble that I would like to get myself into! ....I'm just going to stop before this gets awkward for everyone.
It's the most wonderful time of the yearrrrr :)
Christmas time!!! I love Christmas! Everyone is so cheery despite being stressed out more than any other time of the year. It's great! AND this year I got to decorate my own house! (Yes it's already decorated) But I don't have a tree yet. I can't wait to get one tho! My very own tree! Of coarse it will be real (even tho I don't know if we're allowed to actually have a real tree, it's the only way to go). I'm not sure how Wilber is going to be with it tho :S Hopefully he'll cool it and be good with it. Okay, that's wasted hope but it's a nice thought anyway.
I know you love the word of the day!
So today it is perseverate. Something I do with the word of the day :)
1. To involuntarily repeat a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.
2. To repeat something insistently or redundantly.
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