Because it was Halloween weekend I decided that was a fitting title for today.
Halloween weekend went like this...
Friday: Friday Friday Friday. LONGEST DAY EVER. Luckily turned into great night. Went for coffee where I drank 2 (Yes 2!) XL green teas from Timmy Hoes. For some reason their green tea makes me bounce off walls, to put it mildly. So needless to say I had some energy to kill when I left that place! Good thing I was going to my hockey game!
Well it was a GREAT hockey game!!! I racked up 3 goals! And we kept up with only 7 players! Unfortunately my 3 goals were not enough to pick up a win for us just yet. So we shall keep working towards that.
Saturday: Hmm what happened Saturday... Oh yes! What an exciting day! I got up nice and early (early counts as 10:00 a.m. on weekends) and took Scott driving to practice for his test that afternoon. Apparently I am a great teacher because that mofo passed with flying colors!! Yay! Now he gets to drive me around instead of the other way. However you look at it, he passed and that's too exciting!
This lead me to Saturday night. No parties for me. Went to Lyndsay's place and watched a couple moves, got drunk and we both passed out. Woop Woop. We're exciting, deal with it.
Sunday: Hold on to your hats, this was an exciting day. Wake up from a night of drinking at 8:00 (hupffff I can feel how ridiculous that was just typing it). Went for breakfast, had some delicious eggs benedict!! Went home did tons of laundry/slept/watched TV/packed then headed over to Aunt Debs. Now I'm there for a while! Very stoked about staying with Apollo, pretty much because he's the coolest dog ever.
Also had a game last night, didn't go as well as the Friday game :S That's all I'll say. We are Toronto, minus a win.
Allright, I'm not saying you need to be brilliant, or that I don't have mistakes in my stuff... But come on. It seems to me that a whole bunch of you guys don't realize that people are reading the crap your writing and that every time you spell an obvious word wrong you don't look too bright and your annoying me.

Also fitting, the word Truculent!'s word of the day! Maybe some of you should discover hmm...?
1. Fierce; savage; ferocious; barbarous.
2. Cruel; destructive; ruthless.
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