Another weekend come and gone...
Yes, another weekend has ended. Well for me it was 5 days. 5 long days that felt more like work than actually being at work. ...How sad is it that I was actually hoping they would call me into work for an emergency on my time off? ...A government emergency that they would need my assistance with... Yea okay.
So out of all 5 days the highlight was 3 hockey games. 2 of which went down consecutively on Saturday night. Can't think of any other way I would like to spend my Saturdays. - No for real.
First game, I'm sorry to say was not so hot. At all. I won't get into it. If you were there, you know. If you weren't, well I wasn't too happy with you on Saturday night because we got to play with 8 players. Don't commit to a team if your not going to put in an effort because that makes you a HUGE MAJOR let down to those of us who bother to show up. Thanks for wasting our time with the hope of winning because we might have some players who can do something they commit to. RRRRRRRRRR you suck.
So the second game was much better! We had WAY to many players but I'm not about to complain. It was nice. We won. A LOT. 11-3 I believe? Hmm can you say pwned? Because that's what happened.
Last night was a great game too tho!! Our first win! AND we had like 12 players!! What is that! Hello luxury. ...Hey, maybe from now on we can have close to that turn out every game? Bahahahahaha I'm full of jokes this morning! If you have not played a hockey game with 6 players before you will not be able to completely relate to my jokes here today. As a matter of fact, I probably despise you due to the fact that you have not had to endure such a traumatic experience.
I realize most of you just read that and said to yourself "Traumatic experience? Wow Amanda, you sure can exaggerate!" Well I'll have you know that I am not exaggerating and if you can't understand, we have nothing more to talk about.
This Is My Concerned Face...
Woke up yesterday and realized something. I'm putting on my fake smile for everyone again. I think now it is more fake than the last time I had to put it on. I remember last time. I was working in the hell hole -better known as Home Depot. Gosh did I dislike that place with a passion. It made me dread waking up because I knew I had to go to work with a vast majority of worker drones who had nothing better to do with their lives. I was not about to become one of them!! (No offence to the people I actually liked! You are defenalty not lumped in to that group so don't get defensive here!) Another perk of that job was waking up and knowing you'd be dealing with at least one customer who was much less intelligent than the last moron you had to deal with. Day after day after day until I couldn't do it anymore and had to move on to save my own happiness/sanity.
Today I woke up with the same feeling of dread. Here's the thing tho.. This time it came on fast! I noticed it yesterday and today I dislike everything. I mean, it didn't come out of nowhere, it's been building up but it hit yesterday and I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon! I woke up this morning hoping I was sick with the flu so I wouldn't have to work for a few more days... I regret to inform you all that I am surprisingly healthy and full of energy.. Yaaay for being able to come to work.
Let's chat about my work... I can't stand it. I need a new job. Unfortunately they don't just hand out jobs anymore around here so I need to actually work towards finding one before I can leave this godforsaken place. Why do I find it so horrible? Well it's not the decent pay, or awesome benefits, or instant vacation time given, or the Monday-Friday 8-4 shifts, or even the fact that I can sit and entertain you all while I "work" in the background. Nope, none of that. ..None of that is going to make me stay.
It's the EXACT SAME THING EVERYDAY. Not just "the same" as in similar to what I was doing yesterday but with some changes. Nope, I've been working on the exact same project for 2 months now. If you put a blindfold on me from the second I wake up to the second I get home from work I would not be capable of messing up. I could even drive to the train and get on and walk to work and then make it home, all without seeing anything. There are people that have been working here for 35 years... NO EFFING WAY will that be me. I wouldn't make it. I'm the kind of person who needs change and challenges on a daily basis or I get bored verrrrrrrry fast. How I've done this for a year now baffles me. At least now I know that sitting at a desk all day is not for me!
There happens to be one person I will blame at the moment for starting this train of anger inside me, here is what I would like to say to them...
Dear ******,
You useless useless useless person. How dare you. I guess it's my own fault for trusting you after you had already shown me that was a bad choice from the beginning. But me, being the person I am, forgave you and gave you another chance to let me down. It's been about a month now and I still beat myself up because I let you do this again. You made me happy and now I'm left with a nice big pile of regret for believing you were different. Now we will be friends and I will be left putting it behind me and forgetting that I ever wanted something else.
Kind regards, you big ass.
Delightful Ramblings...
So if you've actually made it thus far, kudos to you! I like to think I'm interesting but really, deep down, we all know I just like to hear myself talk. I'm wonderful! But so are you my friends :)
I feel that I have now made up for not writing all that much last week so I will end this shortly. But before I can do that you all know what has to happen...
I need to address all the hoi polloi and teach them the word of the day! Hmm conveniently enough the word just so happens to be *drum roll* :
Hoi polloi:
The common people generally; the masses.
Which means we all are considered the hoi polloi, therefore it is important for us all to recognize the word when it comes up!
.....Or you could just ignore this like you usually would and carry on with your day -which I hope is wonderful!!
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