? ??????????????Don't Look Back? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.5 (2 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2423 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????????????????Shhh... Listen? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (3 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 2565 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Co BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?


If your looking for me I'm in VIP.

Once while having sex in a tractor trailer, a part of Chuck Norris' sperm escaped and ran into the engine. We now know this truck as Optimus Prime
I saw a picture of OP this morning and I just want to watch Transformers now. He is my true love. I'm pretty sure if he was actually real (and not a space robot from a comic) you would be reading about me in the news papers: "Optimus Prime stalker arrested last night after alleged theft of underwear". That's how it would go because if I was a stalker I would be known as the underwear bandit. Yes, I did just give myself my own nickname.

But back to the fantastic OP.. Take a look at this picture and tell me... Who wouldn't? ;)

Let's also talk about something that every person in the world encounters sooner or later. The "hot friend". While yes, Optimus is the ultimate, he too has a "hot friend". If you are asking yourself "What the hell is Amanda talking about now?!" then you obviously have yet to realize just how hot this "hot friend" is. Who is it, you ask? Well it is none other than the weapon man himself... Ironhide.

Allright allright. That's enough of me sharing my love of autobots for one day.

Okay, I'm going there...

Tonight is the night. Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Pat Quinn & the Oilers. Goodness I wish I was at that friggin game! I mean of coarse I cheer for the Oilers - in a situation where they are not playing my number one favorite team ever. It seems I am in a dilly of a pickle! Because I am going to enjoy watching Toronto beat them whereas any other day I would be a little saddened by a loss for the Oilers (nah not really, if that was the case I would be walking around sad all the time! ZING!). Okay, enough digs towards the Oil. It's bad enough that they are about to get beat by the Leafs :) ...They better anyways or I am going to look dumb tomorrow!

Automobiles and other things...

So if anyone knows of a someone selling the cheapest biggest piece of crap car (that will run for approx. 2 months) please let me know! I just need a stupid car that will work until I can fix my baby. Poor Paco is really broken this time! He's just sitting outside collecting snow. I think I might go brush him off and fire him up tonight just to let him know I haven't forgotten about him. Because I'm almost positive that he's sad that I don't go near him anymore. Plus, I don't want anything else to stop working because I don't start him for a while and it's cold. That will just cost me more of my non-existent money, yikes!

I also have a complaint for Santa this year! I'm pretty sure I asked him for a new transmission but when I woke up and looked under our tree, much to my surprise, there was only a pile of pine needles sitting there. Thank you for ruining my day Santa... *IF* that's even your name.

Hmm I should probably wrap this up and do some work today since I've only got one and a half days left this week!

I'm going to stick with the song of the day trend though, I think more people are going to care about a song as opposed to a word (even though I was totally fine with the words!). Today I heard a song by Weezer ft. Lil Wayne. First thought in my head was "Oh gosh, seriously?" But it's actually pretty sweet. I mean I like both of them so why wouldn't they sound all right together? Anywho, here it is!


"I can't stop partying, partying. I can't stop partying, partying. I gotta have Patrone, I gotta have the beat, I gotta have a lot of pretty girls around me." (Pretty catchy if you ask me!)


I'm so glad that your here today, cause tomorrow I might have to go and fly away!

Look at me still smiling..

It's just because I love smiling! Smiling's my favorite!

Hmm so now that the who-ha of Christmas is over and done with I have to look forward to the new year! And it is shaping up to be a promising one.. hopefully.. I mean, it's ending on a low note so that means there is only room for improvement, right? I think that's what I said last year too but it didn't turn out that way. Well 2010 will end on a high note - Mark my words. (I've always wanted to say that for some reason.. Now I just feel like a loser.)

Christmas time is...

For being with your family and friends. That's why I love it! The whole fam-damly gets together and we get to see everyone and hang out and all that jazz. That is on my mom's side. My dad's side is another story. I dread Christmas because we must make an appearance over there at my aunts house. Their motto is "Slap on your fake face and come on down!". You want to talk about fun... THAT is not it. I find it extremely awkward and stick very close to the broskis. In the case of separation you better have to pee and then "loose something" so you have to look for it instead of socializing. In my case, it's usually my chap stick, when really it's just my brothers. Then you find them and head back into the basement to avoid the scene upstairs and you are golden.

This year we ducked out with the promise of returning after supper... never to return. It was nice, we spent the evening at mom's where we all fit in and no one cares what you wear or what you own. What a nice way to spend time with your family... Like your supposed to.

2010 :-O

I would like to say that day one of three for the week is almost over. In about one hour I will be homeward bound to bake some cupcakes for New Years :) I will be making chocolate and vanilla! Yum. I love cupcakes. I may have a slight addiction.

I'm pretty excited for New Years. Another New Years Eve with the Bruckmann family can never be anything but fantastic! I realize Lyndsay doesn't actually read my blog (I don't think.. Lynds if you do, this is news to me!) But I would like to point out what a great family that is. If I ever (for some strange reason) need to be adopted I would be going straight to that family, if they wanted me or not! I just made up their minds for them. That's how wonderful they are.

Another exciting thing I am excited for because it's exciting.. is for slo-pitch to start. (I realize that all didn't make sense but I'm obviously too excited to care!) I know, it's not even January yet and I've got my game plan all mapped out. Well somewhat.. I don't actually know whose playing yet or anything.. BUT don't worry, it will be figured out all in good time. Ohhh boy I love slo-pitch season!

Je ne sais pas mais le français ...

J'ai eu une idée .. Je vais mettre tout ce paragraphe en traducteur google et il va sortir en français. Si vous savez vraiment français, je ne suis pas, donc il cool parce que je ne serai pas en mesure de parler à vous ou à quoi que ce soit. Mais laissez-moi vous raconter une histoire! Donc il était une fois un petit oiseau. Son nom est Henry. Henry avait beaucoup, beaucoup de petits amis birdy. Un jour, Henry brid rencontré une petite fille. Son nom était Shiniqua. Shiniqua voulu s'envoler beaucoup. Alors un jour, Henry s'est envolé avec elle et ils vécurent heureux pour toujours. The End. ... Wow fantastique. Je viens de l'inventer. Je sais, vous ne serez jamais me croire mais c'est vrai! Maintenant, de retour à l'anglais ...

Boom. That just happened.


I liked English in School. It was always a good subject for me. Until I hit grade 11 and my #&*@# teacher decided she didn't want me in her class. (We didn't get along very well.. story of my life!) So she put me in the "lower" english class where of coarse I did amazing and the new teacher liked me very much (weird). So I got very fantastic grades (dispite being under the influience of "substance X" pretty much every day of my life). Ahhh I miss high school. ...I make myself laugh... substance X... Good times had by all. We sure were some crazy kids back in the day, but that's a whole nother story for a whole nother day!

Two Lost Souls Swimming In A Fish Bowl...

Annnnnd we're back. Real world issues... I'm off work soon. Now that's a real world issue! I'm going to wrap this up but unfortunatly I am unable to give you the word of the day. Dictionary.com seems to have a bug (according to the government computer) and it keeps shutting my internet down when I open it! So instead of word of the day let's go with a song of the day! For those of you who may not know my favorite band in the whole entire world is, of coarse, Pink Floyd. ..How could it not be? This leads us to my favorite song in the whole entire world! Wish you were here. Take a listen. If you don't love it I have a bone to pick with you!!



You just ran over a unicorn.


Nah there is no controversy, I just wanted to title this section that for fun. I realized how negative my last few posts have been and NOT TODAY. Today I will switch back to the good ones that you actually enjoyed reading! Hmm been a while, right?

Hello, it is December 22nd and that means Christmas is in 3 DAYS!! That's when Santa comes :) ...SANTA?!! I KNOW HIM! .......Pff I wish. Ba-rum-bum-bump-bum.

I just feel random today.

Oh my goodness! Let's talk for uno momento about the best goalerrr in history!! Martin Brodeur! <3>SUCK IT PATRICK ROY NO ONE LIKES YOU BECAUSE YOU SUCK! Woo sorry for the outburst, I can't help myself sometimes. Anywho, back to the Brodeur Machine (I just decided to name him that). He's pretty much my favorite player in the whole wide world that is still playing (besides Hailey Wickenheiser, of coarse!). He got bumped up the day Domi cut the cord and one more time when Sundin retired :( Now a days, he's all I got left. All though I am becoming more and more accustomed to the likes of Kaberle but I still wouldn't call him an all time favorite, he's got a ways to go.

So besides that incredible man who I may or may not be secretly in love with (Amanda Brodeur does have a nice ring to it...) let me tell you a little piece of info I just found out! There is a Star Trek Christmas movie! Like an old one. Yikes, I am willing to bet you didn't know about that! Probably because it is most likely HORRIBLE. Here is the quick description of it: "Captain Kirk and gang encounter a wintery elf-filled planet ruled by a fascist Santa.". Ooooo sounds captivating doesn't it? Yea, didn't think so.

Dear snow haters:

I was walking to the LRT station this morning and I was the first person to walk on the path since it snowed last night. So as I'm walking I realize that the snow looks sparkly! So I'm watching it and realizing how beautiful it is and then I noticed the cracking sound that my boots were making in the snow and I felt wonderful! It was a beautiful walk and I could have walked up and down the path all day and been perfectly content with the world. It was very relaxing. If your stressed out about Christmas or anything, do yourself a favor and take a walk in the snow. It's excellent!

Hmm you know what I think my most favorite part of Christmas is? Wrapping presents! I don't know why, but I could sit and wrap for hours! ..if any of you ever need a wrapper, I'm your gal! ..Not guaranteeing it will be the best wrap job, but it will get done!

Fun Fact...

I found a slide of haunted hotels in Canada! Did you know the the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel is haunted by two people?! One of them was a bellman in the 60's and apparently if you loose your key he will appear at the door to help you get into your room! But if you talk to him he disappears! And another one was a bride whose dress caught on fire and while she was running down the staircase she tripped and fell and broke her neck and you can apparently see her sometimes in the staircase as well! Creepy.. if it's for real.

All right well that's enough for day two in a row (I would just like to point that out).

Collude is the word of the day today! And it means to act in concert; to conspire; to plot. ...Just so you know :)

Merry Christmas guys :D



Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with yoooou!

I love Christmas music. And since I have no cable at home that is what I put on to cover up the silence. It's wonderbar. I also listen to it at work all day on my computer :) I know, you'd think I'd get sick of it already but I'm not. Even when I'm not listening to it I find myself whistling or humming it. ...hmmhmm hmm hm hm hm hm hm hm hm hmhmmm.

You know what sucks about this Christmas? ...Besides having a broke ass brother that eats up my paychecks like no one's business. NO CAR. Eff. I know I keep complaining about it but no car+no money=lame. I'm not a fan of once again becoming the mooch that needs to ask for rides everywhere. I much prefer being the ridee as opposed to the rider.

It's okay, it just means I have more time to sit at home and watch no t.v. (no cable) with Freckles while I work on making her pee on the #*&%*@! puppy pad, which by the way, is apparently very difficult for some puppies because they are stubborn and think they run the house.. Grrrrrr. Good thing she's cute!


I'm pretty excited for Christmas for another reason too! 5 days off! Yaaaay. Good thing the government closes at every possible reason. We have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day (or in the cases where Boxing day is on the weekend we have a "floater" day). Convenient, I know! This means I will put my P.J.'s on on Boxing Day and not get dressed until Tuesday since I have no way to get anywhere! ...Okay, I'll probably get dressed, but for no reason still.

Anywho, I don't have much to say I just thought I would ramble jamble today since I haven't for a few days.

Here is the word of the day:
Marked by, causing, or expressing grief or sorrow.

...Hmm how cheerful and Christmasy, Dictionary.com. Geez!


Reading this today will probably be depressing, that's your fair warning.

All At Once...

Why does everything need to happen all at once? I mean at least before it was one after the other and I could handle that! Now everything that I have been avoiding has come crashing down on me. Fun. I was juggling everything the best I could but now it seems as though I have just dropped it all and so it's just sitting there, in a nice big pile... waiting for me impatiently.

You know what doesn't help? When your roommate doesn't seem to care because his sister will bail him out every time. Well that's what sucks about living with your brother.. Your expected to do it. Not just by him, but by everyone. And to top it all off he doesn't seem to care at all. When I talk to him about it it's my fault or he can't do any better. Well if that's the case my brother is going to be working part-time at a strip club and part-time at Footlocker for the rest of his life. ...Doubt full, right? Right. So I think it's time someone grows up...
He died yesterday. What a sad day. Trusty ol' Paco is down for the count. Here is what I'm hoping, he's just cold. That would be nice! But I doubt it. I have a feeling that even when it warms up I'm going to be stuck taking the bus for a while. Why would I be taking the bus you ask? Well I'm not going to go on about it again but it's got something to do with the last paragraph.. No money=No car. Maybe he'll open his eyes on this one because he's going to suffer too. No more rides to/from work all hours of the day for him! His free taxi cab is out of commission. Life is rough.
Here's what I'm worried the most about, getting to and from hockey! I don't want to be "that person". The one who bums rides from everyone because I don't drive. The one who everyone avoids because they don't want to be burdened with driving that person. Guess I got to start asking dad again. I'm sure he's going to be thrilled. He loves helping us out about as much as my brother loves working his full time job. Oh wait, my brother has no full time job.. That about sums it up then.
Freckles <3
Hmm where to begin with this little girly! She STILL refuses to use her puppy pads. This is getting old. She is also starting to bite, hard! Also getting old. I've started getting mad at her. Then I feel bad after!
We started crate training BIG time yesterday. It's on like Donkey Kong Frecks. She pees on the floor-in the crate. She bites hard-in the crate. I don't really have anything else to put her in for but that takes up enough time anyways. Maybe she'll catch on fast. So far.. she's not. I put her in the crate and she cries like I just threw her off the deck! Then she doesn't get to come out until she settles down in there and stops whining which usually takes a good half hour. Then she tires herself out and falls asleep. But as soon as I let her out she's back at the shenanigans. I need to keep reminding myself that it was only the first day. I hope she catches on because I feel horrible when I put her in the crate! I know she just wants to be a puppy and play! Well puppies have rules too!
Negative Nancy..
That's what I sound like today. Sorry I'll smile. How about you smile right now too. Just do it, trust me you'll fell better!

So want to hear a weird story? Speaking of Negative Nancy! I have been told 4 times in the last month by different people that I look like I should be named Nancy! Weird right? Here's what's even weirder... For those of you who don't know my great fantastic mother who I look just like, her name just so happens to be Nancy! It freaks me out a little. Nancy... I just don't see it. I'm perfectly content with being an Amanda.
Okay the end :)


Update :-)

No parking ticket! It's a good day!!

Oh and I heard this quote and loved it so I'll share since writing just one sentence would be a waste of space...

'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of sh*t.'

No Headphones!!!!!!!

A parking ticket is in order...

That's what it's going to say on my car window today. Well, it'll probably be more like "Here's your parking ticket sucka, pay us. Thank you for your business." What led to this unfortunate series of events you ask..? Well let's backtrack to this morning.....

5:15 am: Wake up. Wake up sleeping Freckles who is sleeping very contently beside me snoring very loud for a little gal. Try and make her pee on the puppy pad but she was having none of it. So after about 12 minutes of her sitting on it staring at me I let her take a walk. Then she peed.. on the carpet.. again. I hope she catches on to this game quick!

5:30 am: Get dressed, ready, and make tea. Play with Freckles and Wilber for a bit.

6:00 am: Go down and start my car in the freeeeezing cold so it's warm at 6:30 when I bring the potentially uncooperative Wilbot down to the car.

6:15 am: Put a very disappointed puppy in her kennel to go back to sleep. Have a fighting death match with the cat and attempt to shove him in the other kennel so I can take him with me. ...He didn't want to go peacefully.

6:20 am: Wake Kim up because the stupid cat is fighting and it will take more than one human to get him in that kennel!

6:25 am: Wilber is FINALLY in the kennel and we head to the spay clinic! Poor guy is getting fixed today! *side note* Why do they call it "getting fixed"? He wasn't broken, they're actually breaking him. They should call it "getting broken".

6:40 am: Arrive WAY to early at the clinic! So we sit in the car and have a little life discussion. A.K.A. I sang and he listened.

7:00 am: DOOMSDAY. Take Wilb into the clinic and hand him off. Oh I feel so bad for him!

7:20 am: Get to the parking lot by work and find out that they don't take bills in the Impark machine! How ridiculous is that? They will charge you $26.00 a day to park BUT they won't take bills...

7:23 am: Go to Starbucks and ask for change. I only got $12.00 out of the lady so that's all I had to pay with.

7:30 am: Put my $12.50 in the machine for 2.5 hours of parking. ...HELLO, does this not strike anyone else as EXTREMELY overpriced? None the less, I paid and went on my way.

This leads me to now. If I went out at 9:30 and put $12.00 more into the machine I would be covered until I leave at lunch.. NO frikin way am I taking an unnecessary walk 3 blocks in minus 25 to over-pay to keep my car parked. So instead I chose to risk the ticket which will inevitably be there when I go to my car at noon. AND I still need to find 12 more dollars in change so I can park this afternoon! Bushly.

Next order of business on the chopping block (...chopping block haha sick joke)...

The devil cat Wilber has been SO good lately. Hes all cuddly and stuff. I feel so horrible for taking him to get spayed today. (spayed or neutered? I don't know.. either way). And I had to take him. His owner couldn't do it. Why? Because he doesn't drive. Hm this is becoming such a pain. That's not even the best part tho. No, no, here it is... He works today and tonight so he won't be home at all. I have to pick his cat up and take care of it all night.

Don't get me wrong, I love the Wilbot. But he's not my responsibility and I am getting full expectations here. I've got a puppy to worry about now and I'm stuck taking care of Kim's big sketchy cat who just had surgery. I wasn't even asked, just expected to. I am becoming less and less impressed by this.

The Freckss...

Let's talk about something a little more exciting! Freckles. Hmm I know I said her name was going to be Noodles but she was definitely NOT a Noodles! So mom came up with the great name Freckles and it suits her 100%!

She is the tiniest sweetest little thing I think I have ever seen! I love her so much already! She is amazing. (Minus the not catching on to the pee pad yet). She is fearless but a big giant baby when she gets hurt! She bumped her head yesterday and she whined and whined and whined and I picked her up and she sat with me and sulked for about 10 minutes before she fell asleep. She's such a sweetheart, I don't know how I'm going to train her because she looks SO upset and hurt when I say "no" to her. Yes, she's got me wrapped around her finger (well, paw) already.

Let us jump to the word of the day,
because I have run out of things to say.
Sometimes I write lots,
sometimes I write few.
I am really concerned about pleasing you.

Because if you don't enjoy the things I write,
I know some will put up a dread full fight.
And then you will no longer read my crap,
Unless I make it sound like a trap.

What kind of trap you ask yourself?
Well I'll have to hire a tiny elf.
So fitting since it is Christmas time,
I guess I'll shut up and cut short this rhyme.

Wow. That just happened. So here's the word of the day...

1. Inanely foolish and unintelligent; stupid.
2. Illusory; delusive.


Hmm So It's Been A While!

Incredible Turn of Events..

Haven't written for like a week or so! So sorry guys! I was just oh so busy! SO here's the exciting news.......

Noodles comes home tomorrow :) (Noodles is the puppy). She's flying and she will be here at 5:30!!! I am way beyond excited! Next on the exciting block is someone I won't talk about because I don't want to get TOO excited yet.. but I'm excited.. they are fantastic :) So good things come in three. I'm just waiting on number 3! ...Any minute now...

Hmm something else I'm wicked excited for is the Christmas party next weekend!! Oh man, that should be a GREAT time! I love having everyone together because I have the most awesome friends anyone could ask for!

Some Great Music!!

So I listen to music on youtube while I'm working. I stumbled across Eric Church. I knew most of his songs but didn't know they were by him, or even that they were all by the same person! But he is an amazing singer and I've never noticed before. (He's not much to look at tho lol). Here's some of his songs you should take a listen to! (You've probably heard them all but listen again..they're amazing):

Love Your Love the Most, Lightning, How bout' you, Guys Like Me, Two Pink Lines..Just a few but they're all uh-maze-ing. His videos are pretty good too so check him out on youtube if you've got some time!

Hmm so I'm also pretty stoked for the Lonestar concert! Probably not as stoked as Lisa, but still pretty stoked! After all these years, I must thank her for putting me through the torture of country music in Jr. High. I love love love it these days and couldn't imagine what I would be listening to if she didn't make me force love it back in the day. A lot of my favorite songs and bands are country!

Back to Lonestar.. Not in my top favorites but definitely was one of Lisa's. Which means that I had to listen to A LOT of it when I hated country music. There is one song in particular that makes me want to stab my ears out, to this day, every time I hear it. Yet, I will listen to the whole song and sing along. I can't help it! ..I call it number 7 because on all of the CD's she used to make it was ALWAYS number 7. And thinking about it now it was on pretty much every CD she made. ...That doesn't make sense. Why would you put the same song on every CD you were making? Kind of defeats the purpose of a "new" CD. But I won't judge. Either way, I'm excited! I may despise them for making that one song but the rest of they're music was very good!

Look at all the snow today!! Isn't it wicked?! I love snow SO much!! I don't like the people who say "Well I like the snow, but I don't like the cold." ...WTF. When does snow come? -In the winter. What happens in the winter? -It gets cold. Cold and snow go together. How ridiculous would it be if it snowed in July when it was +30 out? Bet you wouldn't be very happy then either. So don't say "I like snow but hate the cold" because it's a package deal, like the Backstreet boys.
Hmm we haven't had a word of the day for a while either, have we?! Well you'll all be happy to know that today it's a fun word!
A hodgepodge; jumble; confused medley.
Well that's all I got, so I hope you all stay warm today and enjoy the beautiful snow!


Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department.

I'll be the one to say it...

Here is a new thing I'm seeing a lot if lately... "LOLOL". Why does anyone even need to point out how stupid this is? Well I will anyways...

If you're saying "LOLOL" because you think that adding 2 extra letters to that acronym makes it sound like you think it's funnier - your dumb. You are saying "laugh out loud out loud". Where else would you be laughing out loud besides.. out loud? You don't need to clarify for us because we get it. "Laugh Out Loud" is quite literally taken by most people as laughing out loud. We're not thinking to ourselves "Hmm I wonder if they mean they are laughing out loud or just inside at that comment... I wish they would clarify by adding an extra "OL" to that!".

And then I seen it. The icing on the cake... "LOLOLOLOLOL" Hello, my name is: Redundancy.

Speaking of redundancy!

Yesterday I got on the train and sat down. There were 2 high school aged girls sitting across from me talking. I couldn't count the number of times one girl said "FML". "Oh my god, I woke up sooo late this morning and I was all like FML." "I got to school and was .25 cents short at the cafeteria and I was all like FML again." "Then I went to class and my teacher told me to stop talking! FML." ...It went on like this the WHOLE train ride. By the time I got off I just about dropped a FML of my very own. Then I decided a nice little concoction of my own would better serve the situation... FYL. Yes, F*ck Your Life. I stood up, screamed FYL in her face and grabbed her by the hair and threw her off the train and onto the tracks into the oncoming train on the other side.

...Then I woke up from my wonderful daydream and peacefully got off the train and went home.

I'm real annoyed today so I shall vent on. ONWARD TALLY-HO.

Okay so there is this lady. Oh my goodness! Her voice is where I will begin. This voice is something else. You know those nasally voices some people have and you just wish they would take a frozen hockey puck right in the throat so they smash their voice box so they can no longer talk? Ya, she has one of those. And to top it all off, she looooooves to talk!

She is very... opinionated. She will ask you a question and then follow up with a pause until you start to answer and she'll cut you off so she can tell you what she thinks before you can say a whole word. If you start talking to her and tell her a story she will follow it up with an 8 minute story about how her husband likes Cheetos.

Every pointless mind numbing story she tells is about her husband, her 40 year old son who lives at home still, or wal mart. Here is an example and feel free to stop reading the story half way through, I think you will get the point. (her name in this story will be Trudy even tho that's not really her name).

"So last night I watched Dancing With The Stars." (That's her life FYI, I know this because that's all she talks about lately). "My husband comes into the room and he says to me, he says "Trudy" he says "You and that show, I don't get it." So I says back to him, I says "You just don't get it, it's a good show!" And then I made him watch it. But you know, he didn't really like it! So at the end of it I says to him, I says "Go fix the house if you don't want to watch it." And he did! Then I went out to do the dishes and I realized we had no dish soap! So I yelled downstairs to him, I said "I'm going to Wal Mart because that's where dish soap is the cheapest!" and he yells back up "Okay" so I said "okay". I got to Wal Mart and they had Palmolive on sale for $2.99! What a deal! So I bought two and I says to myself, I says "My husband is going to love hearing about this!". So as I was walking to the cashier I noticed they had Bounty paper towel on sale too! I thought wow, what a good night to come here because they always have good deals! That's the only place I shop, you know. They have everything you need in there and it's usually fairly cheap. I also got dog food and a toy for him. You should go, I know how much people like deals!"

The End. I know you enjoyed my rendition of her story. Now imagine listening to that in the voice I talked about earlier. By the end of the first sentence you want to jump off a bridge!

December 11

Exciting news happening on Dec. 11. I can officially tell everyone today! (Except my mom. DON'T tell my mom yet..if you know my mom... if not, still don't tell her. Seriously. You will ruin my surprise!)

So the exciting news, you ask? A PUPPY :) She is a sweet little dachshund who will be named Noodles. Here is her picture and please refrain from being too jealous because I know she is the cutest ever. Also, my game plan is for her to be much friendlier than Milo was (haha). For those of you who had the pleasure of knowing/being bit by Milo have no fear with this little gal, she will love everyone. Okay enough rambling, here she is.....

Love Love Love <3

Other than that I am going to go ahead and NOT use dictionary.com's word of the day and use my own. That word is...

1. characterized by verbosity or unnecessary repetition in expressing ideas; prolix: a redundant style.
2. being in excess; exceeding what is usual or natural: a redundant part.
3. having some unusual or extra part or feature.


I just want back in your head...

Screaming: Say Something...

You know what I hate? When your friends hang around someone who says stupid stuff and then they start saying it because they think it sounds cool. Hey guys.. it doesn't sound cool whatsoever.

Here's an example: FML. I HATE those words. "Oh I dropped my pen! FML" "Oh I forgot my juice. FML" Oh I have the hiccups. FML" Why is it necessary to say FML for that crap. How about we get some new words that don't sound completely retarded. Do you realize your saying F*ck your life because you dropped your pen? Ya, sounds stupid right? Right. So stop being annoying.

Here is another one that is becoming ever so popular: Fail. Why do you have to say it all the time? "Oh I dropped my pen. Fail." ...I don't think I need to go on with the examples but come on. Someone says something stupid and you have to reply with "Fail". It's not funny and you sound dumber than the person who said the stupid thing to start with.

What happened to a good old fashioned "your mom" or a "that's what she said". At least those are creative and can be funny. The other ones are not so STOP ALREADY! Please. I think I'm going to start one just to annoy you not so clever people that say either fail or fml. (Even tho the stupider it sounds, the more likely you are to start saying it because you think it's funny). Hmm how about... See I can't even think of anything because I have an IQ. Weird.

While I'm sitting here bitching, let me go off about another thing that bothers me lately. My brother. He got a job at a "bar" (lol) so he works until 2:30 every night. I'm totally fine with this because he needed a job. Here's the thing.. First it was only supposed to be until he found another job. Well he's working two jobs now and he doesn't seem to want to quit the bar. Next, he doesn't drive and we live a little ways away from this bar. Which leaves me picking him up at 2:30 in the morning on week nights. I am not impressed with this. I get up for work at 6:30 in the morning and go to bed around 10. I am not a fan of getting up at 2:15 in the morning to go pick him up because he doesn't seem to care that he has no licence because I drive him anyways. I would love to stop driving him but every time I say something my mom starts in with the guilt trip about how I'm doing her a favor by picking him up and how she used to drive me to work at midnight every day too. Oh boy, anyone know of a decent paying job for him so I can stop chauffeuring him around the city at all hours of the night?

Oh Batman...

So I'm looking for a dog right now. (FYI if anyone knows of anyone with puppies let me know!) This lady just e-mailed me with an offer to lease a Min Pin... How exactly do you lease a dog? What the eff? I want a dog, I don't want a lease on it. It's not a car, or a house. I don't want to give it back at the end of my lease. I want it forever you "special" lady. ...She is probably one that says "FML" or "fail" on a daily basis too. Silly lady. I wonder how she would run an adoption agency.. Hey, would you like to lease this child? 4 year lease with a $1500.00 payment at the end to keep it if you like it, if not ship it back. Oh and shipping and handling fees do apply. -I don't know about her!

Mmmm you know what's delicious? Activia yogurt with fiber. Especially the vanilla kind. Holly heaven in my mouth! Let's make a list of what else is delishhhh! Asparagus.. YUM. Brussel sprouts.. YUM. I bought both of those last night and I'm very excited to have supper this week for sure! But I bought some chicken breasts and they are Schniders frozen ones. You'd think they would be SO good. But they taste processed so I am not impressed at all! I fried it last night and BOY was it salty. Not good chicken, don't buy it. ..Unless you enjoy salty processed chicken, that is.

Okay that's enough story-ing for today my friends...

Exegesis is the word of the day today! And yes, it certainly does mean exposition; explanation; especially, a critical explanation of a text. But I'm sure you already knew that!


Milk milk lemonaid..

Life ain't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride...

So the finale of the animal watching ended yesterday because Brad and Tara are home! (I've been watching their cats while they were gone). They were in Jamaica with the rest of the bunch. ..Well they were the reason for being there, of coarse. They got married! Yay, I find this pretty exciting because Tara is pretty much the best (if you didn't already know) and now she's officially my cousin! I think... if she marries my cousin that makes her my cousin-in-law right? Is there such thing? Meh, she's my cousin. Either way she's stuck with us for good now (not that she really had a choice).

Here is something exciting! My brother finally got his licence a couple weeks ago! (One of them anyways... Kim can go get his anytime..). So he's been car shopping for about a week. Good god! I thought shoe shopping with Kim was brutal. That's nothing compared to Scott. That guy has NO idea what he wants. I mean, he thinks he knows and he's got this vision of the perfect truck in his head. Only problem is that this "perfect truck" is WAY out of his price range and he doesn't seem to want to settle for less. He makes me feel frustrated!

I remember shopping when we were younger. My dad would take us to the mall for new clothes (always exciting). So Kim and I would find tonnes of stuff and be done before you knew it! Scott would take until lunch -forcing dad to buy us all lunch at the mall, then we would be into the afternoon and walking in and out of stores that we had already been in. Funny thing is that we would always end up in The Bay looking for jeans for him. And Kim and I would stand there and watch while my dad got mad because Scott was worse than a girl (me) and didn't like a thing he tried on. Sometimes they made his ankles look too skinny, sometimes they made his butt look big, sometimes the pockets weren't big enough to hold his tampons. Either way, he was always the worst. This is what him buying a truck is like only 10x worse!

Ladies Love Country Boys...

Yes, this is true. Why is it true? I don't know. All I know is that this morning when I drove up beside this beautiful Chevy and looked in and saw the gorgeous boy in his cowboy hat driving and he smiled like a gentleman, I pretty much took the dumbest smile I could muster up and sent it right back his way followed by almost running into the car in front of me because I couldn't pay attention and wanted to get out of there before I could embarrass myself anymore with whatever other stupid facial expressions I could pull out first thing in the morning. ...It didn't happen. I looked over once more and he was laughing and I went as red as I possibly could and looked away awkwardly pretending that didn't just happen, but we both knew it did. And then the light stayed red some more. Yep, so if your looking for the longest traffic light in the city I would be happy to tell you where to find that.

Maybe it's the trucks.. Put a hot guy in a cowboy hat into a truck and I become useless. Mind you, if you took that same hot guy with the cowboy hat out of the truck he's done for too (and by done I mean locked in my basement forever..). Okay, so maybe it's the hat? BUT you need to be careful boys. That hat will make or break you. Not everyone can pull it off! Stick to the truck, you have a better chance of pulling that off than the hat. Okay I change my mind. I think it's just the whole combination. Hot truck + hot boy + cowboy hat = trouble! ..Trouble that I would like to get myself into! ....I'm just going to stop before this gets awkward for everyone.

It's the most wonderful time of the yearrrrr :)

Christmas time!!! I love Christmas! Everyone is so cheery despite being stressed out more than any other time of the year. It's great! AND this year I got to decorate my own house! (Yes it's already decorated) But I don't have a tree yet. I can't wait to get one tho! My very own tree! Of coarse it will be real (even tho I don't know if we're allowed to actually have a real tree, it's the only way to go). I'm not sure how Wilber is going to be with it tho :S Hopefully he'll cool it and be good with it. Okay, that's wasted hope but it's a nice thought anyway.

I know you love the word of the day!

So today it is perseverate. Something I do with the word of the day :)

1. To involuntarily repeat a particular response, such as a word, phrase, or gesture, despite the absence or cessation of a stimulus, usually caused by brain injury or other organic disorder.
2. To repeat something insistently or redundantly.


Watching Airplanes

Another weekend come and gone...

Yes, another weekend has ended. Well for me it was 5 days. 5 long days that felt more like work than actually being at work. ...How sad is it that I was actually hoping they would call me into work for an emergency on my time off? ...A government emergency that they would need my assistance with... Yea okay.

So out of all 5 days the highlight was 3 hockey games. 2 of which went down consecutively on Saturday night. Can't think of any other way I would like to spend my Saturdays. - No for real.

First game, I'm sorry to say was not so hot. At all. I won't get into it. If you were there, you know. If you weren't, well I wasn't too happy with you on Saturday night because we got to play with 8 players. Don't commit to a team if your not going to put in an effort because that makes you a HUGE MAJOR let down to those of us who bother to show up. Thanks for wasting our time with the hope of winning because we might have some players who can do something they commit to. RRRRRRRRRR you suck.
So the second game was much better! We had WAY to many players but I'm not about to complain. It was nice. We won. A LOT. 11-3 I believe? Hmm can you say pwned? Because that's what happened.

Last night was a great game too tho!! Our first win! AND we had like 12 players!! What is that! Hello luxury. ...Hey, maybe from now on we can have close to that turn out every game? Bahahahahaha I'm full of jokes this morning! If you have not played a hockey game with 6 players before you will not be able to completely relate to my jokes here today. As a matter of fact, I probably despise you due to the fact that you have not had to endure such a traumatic experience.

I realize most of you just read that and said to yourself "Traumatic experience? Wow Amanda, you sure can exaggerate!" Well I'll have you know that I am not exaggerating and if you can't understand, we have nothing more to talk about.

This Is My Concerned Face...

Woke up yesterday and realized something. I'm putting on my fake smile for everyone again. I think now it is more fake than the last time I had to put it on. I remember last time. I was working in the hell hole -better known as Home Depot. Gosh did I dislike that place with a passion. It made me dread waking up because I knew I had to go to work with a vast majority of worker drones who had nothing better to do with their lives. I was not about to become one of them!! (No offence to the people I actually liked! You are defenalty not lumped in to that group so don't get defensive here!) Another perk of that job was waking up and knowing you'd be dealing with at least one customer who was much less intelligent than the last moron you had to deal with. Day after day after day until I couldn't do it anymore and had to move on to save my own happiness/sanity.

Today I woke up with the same feeling of dread. Here's the thing tho.. This time it came on fast! I noticed it yesterday and today I dislike everything. I mean, it didn't come out of nowhere, it's been building up but it hit yesterday and I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon! I woke up this morning hoping I was sick with the flu so I wouldn't have to work for a few more days... I regret to inform you all that I am surprisingly healthy and full of energy.. Yaaay for being able to come to work.

Let's chat about my work... I can't stand it. I need a new job. Unfortunately they don't just hand out jobs anymore around here so I need to actually work towards finding one before I can leave this godforsaken place. Why do I find it so horrible? Well it's not the decent pay, or awesome benefits, or instant vacation time given, or the Monday-Friday 8-4 shifts, or even the fact that I can sit and entertain you all while I "work" in the background. Nope, none of that. ..None of that is going to make me stay.

It's the EXACT SAME THING EVERYDAY. Not just "the same" as in similar to what I was doing yesterday but with some changes. Nope, I've been working on the exact same project for 2 months now. If you put a blindfold on me from the second I wake up to the second I get home from work I would not be capable of messing up. I could even drive to the train and get on and walk to work and then make it home, all without seeing anything. There are people that have been working here for 35 years... NO EFFING WAY will that be me. I wouldn't make it. I'm the kind of person who needs change and challenges on a daily basis or I get bored verrrrrrrry fast. How I've done this for a year now baffles me. At least now I know that sitting at a desk all day is not for me!

There happens to be one person I will blame at the moment for starting this train of anger inside me, here is what I would like to say to them...

Dear ******,

You useless useless useless person. How dare you. I guess it's my own fault for trusting you after you had already shown me that was a bad choice from the beginning. But me, being the person I am, forgave you and gave you another chance to let me down. It's been about a month now and I still beat myself up because I let you do this again. You made me happy and now I'm left with a nice big pile of regret for believing you were different. Now we will be friends and I will be left putting it behind me and forgetting that I ever wanted something else.

Kind regards, you big ass.


Delightful Ramblings...

So if you've actually made it thus far, kudos to you! I like to think I'm interesting but really, deep down, we all know I just like to hear myself talk. I'm wonderful! But so are you my friends :)

I feel that I have now made up for not writing all that much last week so I will end this shortly. But before I can do that you all know what has to happen...

I need to address all the hoi polloi and teach them the word of the day! Hmm conveniently enough the word just so happens to be *drum roll* :

Hoi polloi:
The common people generally; the masses.

Which means we all are considered the hoi polloi, therefore it is important for us all to recognize the word when it comes up!
.....Or you could just ignore this like you usually would and carry on with your day -which I hope is wonderful!!


This Time Around

Well I have become most inconsistent!

Today is Saturday. I haven't been around since.... Monday? Surprisingly not too much has happened! Been off work since Wednesday and just as I suspected I've done nothing and now it feels like I was working all week anyways. Hupffffff, I need to get away. Anywhere. Here's the thing about that, I have no money. Life story that will probably never end for me any time soon. Depressssssssssssssing? Yes, yes it is.

Well yesterday we went to the Space and Science Center! (I know it's called Telus World of Science now, but to me it will always be the Space and Science Center). It's always a good time! Even better time when you have the worlds cutest little man along with you.

Tonight is going to be interesting. Two hockey games, one after the other. Oh boy, I doubt I'll live to the end of the second game! B-r-u-t-a-l. The worst part is that I have to put on wet hockey equipment after the first game. I hate that, it feels soooo gross!

Anyways, I don't have much else to say right now so I'll try and get back on top of things this week!



Fish Are Friends, NOT Food.

Well it's been a few days. Wowawewa. Strange enough, while I'm not at work, writing in my blog is not appealing to me! I've got much better things to do, that's good to know because I always assumed if you have a blog you have no life (no offence). Apparently this is false!

So Friday was a mental health day for me :) It was nice. Overall, had a pretty bitchin weekend. Highlight of my whole weekend - Chapters.. wow I'm THAT awesome. But for real, Chapters is pretty much the place to be. It's good if you need to relax, just go walk around and look at books! Trust me, it's a good time. I prefer the Chapters in the west end (not in the mall, the one by the Home Depot) but any one will do in a pinch. ...So onto something that doesn't make me sound like the worlds hugest knobber..

I went home on Sunday (been at aunt Deb's all week FYI if you care). I went home because I missed that stupid cat. I don't even like cats! But I knew Wilber would have been stuck there all week with Kim so I HAD to give the poor guy a break! Here's how it went down:
Walk in the door.. Nothing. Stand at the door until he finally peers around the corner like he does. He walks up to me and I get all excited to see him! I pick him up, he sniffs me for 3 seconds then proceeds to wiggle until I put him down. So I got turn on a movie and lay on the couch and he goes and lays back down in Kim's bed. Ahhhhburn on me. So I grabbed him and gave him some forced love until he had enough and laid on the couch by my feet so I would stop bugging him.
Gee, why don't I like cats? So here he is anyways. He's cute, that's about all he's got going for him.

Huh. So I just read the news this morning after 3 days of not looking. Nothing going on! How boring is that! What am I to talk about! There was no big H1N1 headlines, nothing in the "showbiz" category worth reading with the exception of Britney Spears getting married again-who cares? Hmm well the Leafs won this weekend tho so that's pretty big news!

I would like to pause for a second and take the opportunity to point out that this is the second time I have mentioned Britney Spears in a post. ....What is this world coming to?!

Onto the main event...

So here it is! The story you've all been waiting for! (By "you all" I mean you Danielle. This one's for you).

Got into a fight last night! EXCITING! I don't do that. I think the last time I got into a fight I was playing peewee with the boys and we were playing Whitemud and this big ass monster was being a jerk because I was a girl so I took him into the corner swinging. Boy it felt good when I took him down! Ahh too bad I was about 11.

Not yesterday tho! I don't know why I hit her back, I was just in the mood I guess. Here's how it went down, come with me on a trip down memory lane...

So the play is going on in front of the net and this girl is standing in front of the goalie. I don't like that too much. So I gave her a little shove or two to get her motivated to move her parked behind elsewhere. Apparently she doesn't catch on very fast, but it's all right, not everyone is as fast as the rest of us are mentally. Anyways, she's standing there and standing there and standing there, and I'm pushing and pushing and pushing. Finally I get slightly annoyed so I push her over. I guess she wasn't very impressed, oops! As you can tell, at this point I feel horrible amounts of remorse for what I have just done!

As the puck gets shot out of our end and she gets up, she pushes me and says "Do that again and I'll put you on your ass!" Woooooo Doggy! Thems fightin' words! I love fightin' words because that means my job is done because I've pissed them right off. Only last night I didn't feel like walking away from some good ol' fashioned fightin' words! So as she pushed me and finished her lovely threat I popped her in the face.

Meh, so it didn't go EXACTLY as planned. I planned for her to stumble back, take another shot in the face and fall. Instead she stumbled back as she pushed me so we traded shots a few more times and looked up and realized no one was looking so we just stopped and skated away nonchalantly. This whole time I was laughing which I think pissed her off more. So as she skated away she made the comment "Your just a little *C-Word*". Ohhhh dear, I don't like that word! So I kept laughing and let her skate away. Stupid cow!

Here is the best part! NO ONE SAW IT HAPPEN! Out of my whole team I think about 3 people saw it go down! The ref didn't even have a clue! How awesome is that! We both dodged a bullet there for sure!!


Hmm fungible. Fungible fungible fungible. What exactly is fungible? Well according to dictionary.com it is The Word Of The Day!!
1. (Law) Freely exchangeable for or replaceable by another of like nature or kind in the satisfaction of an obligation.
2. Interchangeable.noun:
3. Something that is exchangeable or substitutable. Usually used in the plural.

Yes, it is pronounced fun-juh-buhl. What a fun word. Fun fun fun-gible.

Until next time.. You stay classy planet earth.


Every line is about who I don't want to write about anymore.

I don't think that they'd understand.

I don't like going home this week. It's a big creepy empty house. Well Apollo is there but he's WAY too preoccupied waiting for my aunt and uncle to come home. At least when I go home usually and have nothing to do Kim and Wilber are there. Now it's just nothing. ....How sad is it that I actually miss that stupid cat! Wilberrrr, pff. I wonder what he would do if I brought Apollo over for a visit...? Bahahaha poor little guy wouldn't know what to do.

I saw it early this year.

This morning as I'm walking to work I seen it. I see it every year and it makes me sad. When people start wearing their poppies you see one every year that has fallen off someones jacket and is on the ground. It's not there fault, they don't know. Hey, even I have lost a poppy or two. What bothers me is how so many people walk by it or even step on it! PICK THE POPPY UP. I don't know why but to me it's a thing of respect. I feel strongly on this, everyone should be showing respect for what the poppy stands for. Walking by one on the ground is definitely not showing anything.

While I'm on this topic, lets talk about another thing that REALLY gets under my skin. My parents both raised me to know how important remembrance day is. We all got it in school as well. Hello! They give it to everyone as a "holiday". Why? Because it is important.

So while you have the day off on November 11th and your wondering what you should do with it how about instead of taking advantage of sleeping in you wake up and layer on your jackets and make your way down to the remembrance day stuff going on. Last year it REALLY bothered me because it seems that each year there is less and less people that go out. I tried to get friends to come out with me and I got "it's too cold" or "I'm sleeping in!" I remember us being like 2 and 4 years old and my parents layering us up and dragging us out into the cold to stand for an hour while we pay respect. It's not going to kill you so deal with it. If I ask you this year and I get that same response I'm going to loose my shit on whoever that lucky person is. I'll go stand by myself instead of dealing with your lazy asses.

...Well that escalated quickly!

On to something a little less anger filled...

Okay! How about this weather? No seriously, I'm actually talking about this weather. PLUS 15 THIS AFTERNOON!! WTF. It's November! Bring on the snow already. I want to get out and snowboard! Frik.

Well other than the weather I've got nothing non-anger filled to say today so I'll cut this off before I start another rant :) And begin to maunder :O .....
1. To talk incoherently; to speak in a rambling manner.
2. To wander aimlessly or confusedly.

Wow what a fitting word today! I do this a lot!


Here I Am, You Silly Bitch.

Hello My Name Is:

I had an amazing sleep last night. I also had a dream. Oh boy, I have some gooders! This one wasn't a gooder but I'll share anyways. I had a dream that I was in school! Imagine that... seeing as that's all I want to do right now, and it's all I can think about. Uhhg.

FRIK the lady beside me is setting her watch and everytime she pushes a button it beeps. SHUT UP ALREADY. How hard is it to change a watch time!!!?! She's been beeping for about 2 minutes! It's taking over my brain to the point where I'm about to stand up and tell her to stfu! Woah man. ..."I'm Amanda's brain. I have OCD and love to piss her off!"

Okay she's done. Thank goodness. ...Now she's digging around in a bag that is crinkling. There is no hope here. They're going to be dragging me out of here in a straight jacket today.

So anyways. This morning I rolled over in bed and opened my eyes only to find a big old dog panting in my face. Nothing like the smell of dog breath first thing in the morning, thats for sure! I miss having a dog :( I specifically miss Milo but since he's sitting in a box in my room in ash form I will have to find a new alternative.

I've decided since I can't get a big dog (space restrictions) I will settle for a small dog. Here's the thing tho... I don't want a little fluffy yappy dog that everyone pretends to like but really it looks like everyone elses little fluffy yappy dog. I want a real dog. What kind of small dog could pass as a real dog?? I'm thinking just another weiner dog since they arent fluffy looking. I've always wanted a Basset Hound, I just love them! BUT my dad raised a good point. "Basset Hounds aren't like fish or lizzards that only grow to fit their tanks" Which translates into = Basset Hounds can be big mofos! So, what's a minature Basset Hound...? A weiner dog! Ta-da!

Hey watch this....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OBlgSz8sSM

I have nothing interesting to say today... Time is on standstill here at work and my brain is shut off. But the word of the day is cool so this wasn't a complete waste of time!
Devious, dishonest, or unscrupulous behavior or activity; also: an instance thereof


There's Nothing That's Worth Keeping Me!


All right, so this is going to be intense today.

I realized last night that all of my friends that matter to me have found their person. Of coarse this is great for them all! I'm so happy they're all happy! (Side note: When I say "all" I mean the few friends I have that are for real friends.)

Here's the thing... I am no longer as important or as needed in they're lives. I don't mean they don't care or don't try. I mean they don't need me as much. Instead of coming to talk to your friend about your everyday problems, they go to the other person. Instead of calling me on a night where you've got nothing to do they spend time with the other person. Calling me up and saying "Hey Amanda, want to hang out right now?" Is no longer an option. It is always plans plans plans. Because on a Wednesday night you don't care what I'm up to because the other person is home.

Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not sitting here writing about how sad it is that I don't have that person blah blah blah. If you know me, you know that I have never been the girl that needs someone just to say I have someone. And the reason I am where I am now is because I haven't found that person that can be my best friend before being the other kind of friend ;) lol. So far - he doesn't exist.


I have full intentions of taking advantage of that! I am no longer living worrying about what my friends will do without me. They have what they need from the other person and I am left feeling like I have things I need to do before I take the route they're taking and settle down. I just don't think I'm meant to be settled yet. I got places to go, things to do and people to see! ...Once I manage to save some money (welcome to the reality side..) - this is step 2.

Step 2 is to save money. Bahahahahahahahahah we're going to be here a while. But that's all right, I'm ready to work at it. AND I have completed step 1. (Read earlier blogs to find step 1 if your confused). But good news! I have a friend! She has graciously offered to help with step 2 and I'm pretty stoked about it. We just need to get started... So far, it's looking like that's not going to be able to happen until about January :S .....New Year, New Habits!! (Hopefully)

A Little Less Intense...

So I'm reading this article called "7 Foods that should never cross your lips" very interesting! Let me share the 7 foods!

1) Canned tomatoes! YUM! They say pick tomatoes in glass or tetra packs because :"The resin linings of tin cans contain bisphenol-A, a synthetic estrogen that has been linked to ailments ranging from reproductive problems to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity." ...Good to know.

2) Corn-Fed Beef. How do you know what they feed them when you go to the grocery store? Okay, here's why:"Cattle evolved to eat grass, not grains. But farmers today feed their animals corn and soybeans, which fatten up the animals faster for slaughter...compared with corn-fed beef, grass-fed beef is higher in beta-carotene, vitamin E, omega-3s, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), calcium, magnesium, and potassium; lower in inflammatory omega-6s; and lower in saturated fats that have been linked to heart disease."

3) Oh Dear! Microwave Popcorn :O I don't even want to hear why! But here it is...:"Chemicals, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), in the lining of the bag, are part of a class of compounds that may be linked to infertility in humans, according to a recent study. In animal testing, the chemicals cause liver, testicular, and pancreatic cancer." ...Sounds worse off for guys!

4) Non organic Potatoes? "Root vegetables absorb herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that wind up in soil. In the case of potatoes--the nation's most popular vegetable--they're treated with fungicides during the growing season, then sprayed with herbicides to kill off the fibrous vines before harvesting. After they're dug up, the potatoes are treated yet again to prevent them from sprouting." - So that makes sense, but if your that worried, I can tell you now that everything non organic is like this, LEARN TO LOVE IT!

5) Farmed Salmon.. Well I'm in the clear here! But once again, how do you know when you go to buy fish if it was "farm raised" or not? ..Okay here's why. "farmed salmon is lower in vitamin D and higher in contaminants, including carcinogens, PCBs, brominated flame retardants, and pesticides such as dioxin and DDT."

6) Milk Produced with Artificial Hormones. What does this mean your asking? "Milk producers treat their dairy cattle with recombinant bovine growth hormone to boost milk production. But rBGH also increases udder infections and even pus in the milk (SICK). It also leads to higher levels of a hormone called insulin-like growth factor in milk. In people, high levels of IGF-1 may contribute to breast, prostate, and colon cancers." Oh I looove milk.

7) Conventional Apples. I think this is the same deal as the potatoes. "If fall fruits held a "most doused in pesticides contest," apples would win." Well that's a pretty decent explanation, but I like shiny apples!

I'm pretty sure if Lisa just read this she wrote it down and will no longer be eating beef, apples, potatoes, or drinking milk. That's all I could think of while writing this LOL. Here is the link Lisa, don't freak out just read what they have to say... http://lifestyle.ca.msn.com/health-fitness/diet/rodale-gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=22463436&page=7

So on that note, this has gotten rather lengthy so sommelier. Oh what's sommelier, you ask?
A restaurant employee who orders and maintains the wines sold in the restaurant and usually has extensive knowledge about wine and food pairings.

Doesn't that sound peachy... :)


Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows.

Because it was Halloween weekend I decided that was a fitting title for today.

Halloween weekend went like this...

Friday: Friday Friday Friday. LONGEST DAY EVER. Luckily turned into great night. Went for coffee where I drank 2 (Yes 2!) XL green teas from Timmy Hoes. For some reason their green tea makes me bounce off walls, to put it mildly. So needless to say I had some energy to kill when I left that place! Good thing I was going to my hockey game!

Well it was a GREAT hockey game!!! I racked up 3 goals! And we kept up with only 7 players! Unfortunately my 3 goals were not enough to pick up a win for us just yet. So we shall keep working towards that.

Saturday: Hmm what happened Saturday... Oh yes! What an exciting day! I got up nice and early (early counts as 10:00 a.m. on weekends) and took Scott driving to practice for his test that afternoon. Apparently I am a great teacher because that mofo passed with flying colors!! Yay! Now he gets to drive me around instead of the other way. However you look at it, he passed and that's too exciting!

This lead me to Saturday night. No parties for me. Went to Lyndsay's place and watched a couple moves, got drunk and we both passed out. Woop Woop. We're exciting, deal with it.

Sunday: Hold on to your hats, this was an exciting day. Wake up from a night of drinking at 8:00 (hupffff I can feel how ridiculous that was just typing it). Went for breakfast, had some delicious eggs benedict!! Went home did tons of laundry/slept/watched TV/packed then headed over to Aunt Debs. Now I'm there for a while! Very stoked about staying with Apollo, pretty much because he's the coolest dog ever.
Also had a game last night, didn't go as well as the Friday game :S That's all I'll say. We are Toronto, minus a win.

Sometimes Stuff Bothers Me.

Here it is - I'm bored a lot at work so I read a lot of strangers blogs because it's a load of crap that I don't much care about, but it keeps me entertained. What did we go through 12 years of school for if you don't yet know that a capital letter starts a sentence? Or that "A Lot" is 2 words. OR at the very least, that there is a spellcheck function on every computer. In this case it's right in front of you on the very page your typing on.

Allright, I'm not saying you need to be brilliant, or that I don't have mistakes in my stuff... But come on. It seems to me that a whole bunch of you guys don't realize that people are reading the crap your writing and that every time you spell an obvious word wrong you don't look too bright and your annoying me. I thought this was kind of funny and went well with what I'm saying. If you don't get it... well I won't go there.

Also fitting, the word Truculent! Dictionary.com's word of the day! Maybe some of you should discover dictionary.com hmm...?

1. Fierce; savage; ferocious; barbarous.
2. Cruel; destructive; ruthless.


Lame-oh Kablame-oh

Thank you for making my day.

It is 8:48 a.m. and I am interrupted at work. When this person comes to you because you made a mistake, she makes sure you know how stupid you look.
Yesterday I sent her an e-mail with a mistake on a file. I typed 1967 instead of 1961. EVERYTHING else was correct and if you went to match it up on the computer it is clear as day what I mean. Instead of her coming over and saying "Hey Amanda, I think you typed the wrong number is this what you meant?" She will come over with all of the file and the e-mail and sit and treat it like the biggest mystery in the world. Like so big that you almost need Scooby and the gang to solve the mystery.
If you know what you did and show her, she will drag it on and ask 43 questions so you know that it took her an extra 32 seconds to double check your little mistake. Then she will stand there and make you feel like an effing moron so she can feel better about herself.

NEXT: she goes to the boss. WHY the hell do you need to go tell her that I put a 7 instead of a 1 and it took you foreverrrrrrrrr to figure it out because "I don't know what I'm doing". Now it looks like I don't know how to do my job and I have to have weekly meetings to make sure I'm doing the right things. EFF THAT.

This is the second time I've gotten talked to because she told on me for a mistake that is either completely out of my hands or something as easy as writing the wrong number by accident FOR THE FIRST TIME.

Maybe I'll come in on Monday and she will have quit. ...I can only hope.. like I do every other day.

Poor Quality Original.

I heard a great story last night and I would love to share it! A homeless man in Florida walked into a pet store and decided he wanted a ferret. He had a brilliant idea as to how to get it out of the store. He put it down his pants. The 17 year old boy working saw him and followed the man into the parking lot and confronted him about it and the man threw the ferret into the boys face and it bit the boy. Now the homeless man is being charge with having a "special weapon".

The best part? The kid got the ferret in the face after it had been down a homeless mans pants. That is not a situation I would like to experience. Anything that has to do with a homeless mans crotch is outside my comfort zone. I'm also surprised that it was not outside of the ferret's comfort zone causing a bite in a place no one should be bitten. Maybe the ferret thought he was amongst friends since it probably smelt the same as his nasty cage.

Push it up to 10 and crank it...

I really wish I had a bitchin stereo in my car. If you know me, you know I like my music as loud as it will go. It just sounds good. Plus if I get enough bass I think I could make my car bounce (how cool would I be?!). But until I can afford that, I listen to my lame cracking speakers on max.. At least I know what the songs are supposed to sound like!

OH! I learnt a trick that I would like to share. From now on, when you get on a jam packed bus or train or something start coughing uncontrollably. People look at you like you just released toxic gas into the air and they all shift awkwardly and start to "inconspicuously" cover their mouths and everything! You might even get 2 feet on every side of you while the rest of the train/bus is impossibly packed. It's great!
...I laugh, but I do the inconspicuous mouth cover and awkward shift too when people start germafying the area I'm stuck in. At that moment I just wish I could take a bath in boiling hot alcohol based sanitizer. BUT unlike most people I don't automatically think H1N1, it's just all around gross to me. I'm not paranoid, I just don't like being sick.

Being sick makes me feel tenebrous. Hmm don't know tenebrous means? Let me tell you! Because it's the word of the day!
Dark; gloomy


The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.

Why is it "older" people find the most boring topics (if you can even call them topics) interesting? I just listened to 2 people have a 20 minute conversation about dinner plates. How does that happen?
Boy did I want to stab my ears so I couldn't hear anything. Silence is a whole lot more interesting.
Best part tho... After annoying me with that conversation they followed it up with a conversation about H1N1. (You didn't think I could write a whole thing and not bring it up, right?).
So let's recap so far: It is now 8:31 and I already want to throw down this morning. Not a good start to my day.

This morning as I was shuffling to let people off the ridiculously packed train my bag fell from my shoulder to my arm. In the hand attached to this arm I was holding my tea. I leave my tea open so it's cooled off when I get to work right away. I pretty much threw my hot tea in a girls face because of the falling bag. - If there is anything I learnt from working at Timmy's it's that scaulding hot liquids dumped on your body wake you up better than actually drinking them! I was thankful that she was very forgiving so it all worked out in the end.

On that note, I read this morning (on my favorite website: webmd.com..check it out!) that apples wake you up in the morning better than caffine! I believe it. I mean for breakfast everyday I eat yougurt and an apple with my green tea and I usually make it through the day just fine. Mind you, I don't handle caffine very well to begin with because I usually have no need for it. So, if your trying to kick the coffee habbit may I suggest an apple instead?

Apples are wonderful. Did you know that they are a cure for bad breath? Yup. There are many health benifits jam packed into that delecious little fruit! Apples may protect brain cells and prevent Alzheimer's disease. If you are looking to lower your cholesterol, people who eat two apples per day could lower it by as much as 16 percent. Eating apples lowers your risk of developing lung cancer, in some cases by as much as 50 percent! They also lower your risk of breast cancer, colon cancer and liver cancer. Yum apples.

All this talk of apples got me thinking about lunch today! Oh boy, we're having our Thanksgiving lunch at work. Turkey turkey turkey! I think I should have brought an apple for everyone for desert because we're all going to be asleep by 1:30 now :S It's allright tho, we are given an excuse to nap at work today. I think we should be given a half hour after lunch everyday for a power nap. I really do think that would make everyone more productive for the rest of the day. Think about it... It would give you the chance to unwind and regroup/refocus and your afternoon wouldn't seem so long because you have a fresh start. I know it would make me a whole lot more productive.

My productiveness ends with this word:
Extremely loud.


Hey Mister DJ Can I Make A Request?

H1N1 ........again. Shut up already.

How paranoid do we get?! I just read yet another article on this stupid flu. Hey guys...it's the flu. Boy oh boy is it starting to annoy the fudge out of me. I understand the hype around people with babies and the pregos, but other than that... come on.

What set me off this morning is an artice I read about the 13 year old boy who died in Ontario. Okay, of coarse thats a horrible thing to hear. But they are starting to ban handshakes after the hockey games! LEAVE YOUR GLOVES ON! It's not a difficult concept. To me the post game handshake is important. It's when the game is over and you leave it all behind. If there is no post game handshake I'm pretty positive that stuff wont be left on the ice (or field, court..it's not just hockey that is doing this!). So if it's not left on the ice that means it's brought out after the game-fights. Leaving the arena mad leads to going home and worrying. Going home and worrying leads to loss of sleep, stress, poor performance at work/school. If everyone is walking around stressed out and not sleeping there are going to be A LOT of angry people. Imagine the murder rate if everyone is walking around horribly angry! I DON'T WANT TO DIE all because little Johnny couldn't shake some kids hand a week ago.

Sounds completely ridiculous right? Well so does all the fear of this stupid flu. ..And that's what really grinds my gears.

Here is something completely un-life changing.

So, I have the nips pierced. I used to be shy about saying it, but everyone has nipples so who cares what I do with mine. Anyways, I rolled over this morning and for the third day in a row I caught my hand on it and pulled. Ahhhoooouch. I got them done 10 weeks ago and they sure are taking they're sweet time healing. May I recommend not taking the route of "blinging" out your nipples unless you are prepared for some long drawn out anoying pain.
What an awkward word. Nipples. Nipples nipples nipples nipples.

Speaking of nipples! I went for supper at Lisa's last night. Yum. She has become a suprisingly good cook. Big change from back in the day when she used to make tomato soup for us and then think it was funny to wear it. (ahaha I guess that's more of an inside joke not meant for this situation but I'll leave it because she will read this and catch on). So after I left I went to Dollarama! What a great store! They have literally anything you'll ever need. You need a pitcher for juice - Dollarama. You need decorations for the holidays - Dollarama. You need food for your pets - Dollarama. You need a pregnancy test - Sucker, but guess what! Dollarama has them! What a fun place.

Want to increse your manhood?

Every morning when I go to delete my junk mail folder I notice a strange amout of e-mails offering to increse the size of my "manhood". Seeing as I don't have manhood, and I am completely happy with that, if your on the market for some larger junk just let me know and I will gladly pass your name along to Suzy Shlong or Dick Wang. Just be careful because they are very persistant! Like I said, I get them evvveryday and my name is Amanda...you'd think they would catch on..

Well I better get to work for a change. Someone mght catch on that I spend my time writing this crap as opposed to actually working. Hey guess what the word of the day is!
That's right!
1. To bring together; to fuse together; to join or meld
2. To combine (as two readings of a text) into one whole.



you went away.

I have found true love. Can’t get enough if him. And to top it all off, he has the voice of Fergie and Jesus. His name : Jason Aldean. *drool*

I know, your looking at this picture going "Wow. Most sexy man alive." You should probably just back off tho because I'm all over that. I take him to work, home, in the car, in the shower, pump up music before hockey games. You name it, he's there with me... on my ipod.

If you are looking at this going "who the eff is Jason Aldean?" Do yourself a favor and google him.

Coming back to reality now...

Good news! There were no mass deaths from the H1N1 shot! AND my Leafs won last night! I better go buy a lottery ticket. ..Nah if they make the playoffs, then I'll be buying myself a lotto ticket. But I am pretty excited for them to play Edmonton in December!! Woop woop. Watch for me, I'll be the only one in Rexall with a leafs jersey on :) I wonder if I can find a foam finger before then...

Something Completely Different...

What makes people do the things they do? About 2 weeks ago I was left wondering what I did to make someone ignore me like I never existed after a few months of wasted time. I would never, or could never do that to a person. Just disappear like you never knew them. Dick Move.

After a few days of trying to solve the mystery of the missing person I realized that someone like that is not worth my time because we only get so much time, you know? So I resorted to some very hurtful words in a very long e-mail. Which was followed by the lamest excuses from said missing person. To which I replied with another long and hurtful e-mail.

Heres the thing... I feel horrible for it! WHY should I be the one who feels horrible for saying what I think. I know that every mean thing I said was true to how I feel about this, yet all I can think about is how I'm going to steal the DeLorean and go back to the day I said those mean things and take them all back and instead of saying anything I will say nothing and carry on with life.

Too late. And I think I'm down a pretty good friend (minus the whole huge a-hole thing).

1, 2, 3, Peter, Paul and Mary...

I think that's a Brittany Spears song... Yikes! (I just like it because it rhymes.. But you have to pronounce Mary - Mar-eee so it rhymes with three.)

So here is the word of the day according to dictionary.com:
Punctilious: Strictly attentive to the details of form in action or conduct; precise; exact in the smallest particulars.
...Fun Right?

Yuck, I just looked outside. It looks like a very dull day. But it's raining so that's nice. Hmm it's October 27th and it's raining. I better not go there.


All About The Baby Steps..

I found this picture. Compliments of Google. But what a great picture. When I first saw it I thought it was a blob of light. Then I looked closer and got a dark feeling from it. But then you realize it's the light at the end of the tunnel.

I wish I was at this point right now. But I'm not close yet. I only see a little bit of light coming through. I guess a little light is better than no light! And as long as I keep on truckin' I'll get there eventually!

Most days I come home from work and make supper followed by watching some mind numbing television which leads me to the shower and then off to bed. I have hockey twice a week and make time for friends too of coarse. But I felt like I was waiting for my life to begin. This weekend I realized - This is my life. What am I waiting for? And why do I have to wait for anything?

I know what I want to do and what I need to do in order for these things to happen and I was waiting for the right time to do them. So I asked myself "Self, when do you suppose we are going to start doing these things?" to which I replied "Well Amanda, just as soon as you stop talking to yourself and get your sh*t together."

Shortly after this conversation with myself I realized how good I am at talking a great story - even to myself. I also realized that only crazies have conversations with themselves so my first step in getting my sh*t together should be to stop talking to myself. And if I do need to talk to myself, maybe I should tell myself things I need to hear as opposed to things that sound good to me and everyone around me.

So I've taken the first step!

Step 1) STOP TALKING TO MYSELF. Hense the blog :) I'll talk to you instead!

When I figure out what step 2 is going to be I will be sure to let you all know! Until then I plan on going home and making supper. After supper I will make a game plan which will have at least step 2 in it. Then I will probably turn the boob tube on and turn my brain off then have a shower and then go to bed.

It's all about the baby steps.

Hmm guess I better get creative...

What do you write in a blog?
...Anything you want I guess. I should probably try and sound interesting tho.. Yes, this is a conversation I am having with myself, but because it's a blog you can join me.

I love all the hype around the H1N1 vaccine. Todays front page story "This is the first day the much-debated H1N1 vaccine is being offered in Edmonton."
Tomorrows front page story "Millions drop dead after being vaccinated by the contriversal H1N1 vaccine." ....Doubtful.
Heres what you do if you are worried about that being tomorrows headline: No need for a vaccine. If someone beside you on the bus or in line looks iffy just take out your face mask and slap it on, then your set. Another option, you could set up shop in your basements until the flu scare is over. Or, you could always just wash your hands and stay healthy like you would do every other flu season and stop being a paranoid baby...

In other news (I've always wanted to say that):
WTF is up with my Leafs?! They seriously are unable to win ONE GAME? Maybe it's time for a new game plan? Heres an idea-whatever you were doing pre-season seemed to be working for you, maybe try that again?
It could be the fact that Tie Domi has resorted to figure skates... That was enough for me to give up hope in humanity but they don't need to give up hope too!
Tonight is the night, I can feel a win. Maybe if they get Domi out for a pre-game skate with the wonderful ladies of figure skating it'll get the crowd going! Uhhhhg.

I shouldn't be so critical of my Leafs. Our season isn't going so hot either. We are 3 and 0..or is it 0 and 3? Okay, how about this - we've lost all of our games so far too. Hmm actually that's not true! I think my co-ed team won a game at the beginning of the season.. Suck on that, Leafs (it's a love/hate relationship at the moment).

So I saw Paranormal Activity the other day. It was what it was. The idea of it is creepy but that's about it. It looks all good and real throughout the whole movie! ...Then they have a sweet ending except it's pretty fake and ruins the fact that your creeped out for the whole movie because it looked real.

Anywho, I'm going to post this now and see how it goes :)